How To Setup Ubuntu Based Distributions for Gaming (2021) Part 2 – MangoHUD vkBasalt & GOverlay

In this video, I cover installing gaming related tools such as MangoHUD, vkBasalt and GOVerlay in Ubuntu 21.04 without having to build or compile the applications from scratch.



MangoHUD is a Vulkan and OpenGL overlay that can be used to display FPS, hardware temperature, CPU, GPU and memory usage, and more advanced functions such as enabling V-SYNC and setting FPS limits.

In Ubuntu 21.04, you can install MangoHUD using the following Terminal command.

sudo apt install mangohud

And once installed, you can use MangoHUD with games in Steam by adding either mangohud %command% for 32bit and OpenGL games or MANGOHUD=1 %command% for Vulkan games into a game’s custom launch option.

Alternative, for games found in Lutris, simply toggle the FPS counter (MangoHUD) on and select whether you are running a Vulkan, OpenGL or OpenGL 32bit game.



VkBaslt is a Vulkan post processing layer than can be used to enhance the visual graphics of games and includes a wide range of effects including contract adaptive sharpening and fast approximate anti-aliasing.

It is also possible to use this tool with Reshade Fx shaders.

In Ubuntu 21.04, you can install vkBasalt using the following Terminal command.

sudo apt install vkbasalt

Much like MangoHUD, you need to launch this tool with a game.
In Steam, you need to add ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 %command% into a game’s custom launch options.

For Lutris games, you need to add a new environmental variable.
So right click on the game, select configure, system options, and add the following into the Environment variables section.

Value – 1

For a full list of functions, and further information, check out the project’s page on Github.



The final tool I will be covering is GOverlay, which is a GUI front end for the two previous tools, as well as ReplaySorcery, although I’ve never been able to install ReplaySorcery on Ubuntu.

In Ubuntu 21.04, you can install GOverlay using the following Terminal command.

sudo apt install goverlay

The interface of GOverlay is straightforward and consists of several drop-down menus, and tick boxes.

#mangohud #vkbasalt #goverlay



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