How to stop Sharing a Folder in Windows 10

While file or folder sharing is a very convenient and quick way to share your files within your home network, it could be really risky if open to the public. Just for your information, when you allow file sharing to any network, a Users folder is created on your PC through which others can access your My Documents folder and the desktop and this makes your PC vulnerable to the attacks. Thus it is recommended to restrict folder sharing in Windows 10. Let’s learn how to do that.

How to check your Shared folders in Windows 10

Before we proceed with how to stop folder sharing, let’s first learn how to check if any of your folders are shared publicly or not.

  1. Using fsmgmt.msc
  2. Using Command Line

1] Via fsmgmt.msc

Press Win+R to open Run Dialogue.

Type the following and hit Enter:


This will open a window showing all the shared folders on your PC.

2] Via Command Line

Press Win+R and type CMD to open Command-Line.

Type the following and hit Enter:

net share

The command-Line will then display all the shared folders on your PC.

Restrict Folder Sharing in Windows 10

Now let us see how to restrict Folder Sharing in Windows 10:

  1. Through Explorer
  2. By Removing access
  3. Via Command Prompt
  4. Via Control Panel

1] Through File Explorer

  • Press Win+E to open your Files Explorer.
  • Go to the folder you don’t want to be open for the public.
  • Right-click and open Properties.
  • Go to Sharing and click on Advanced Sharing.
  • Uncheck the box saying, Share this folder
  • Click OK and Apply.

2] By Removing Access

How to stop Sharing a Folder in Windows 10

  • Press Win+E to open File Explorer.
  • Go to the shared folder.
  • Right-click and go to Give Access and click on Remove Access.

That’s it, you are done.

3] Via Command Prompt

You can also stop folder sharing via Command Prompt.

To open Command Prompt, Type Command Prompt in the search bar in your taskbar.

Select Command Prompt, right-click, and select Run as Administrator.

Type net share to see all your shared folders.

This will display all the shared folders on your PC.

Locate the folder you want to restrict sharing.

Now type the following and hit Enter and you are done.

net share (shared folder) /delete

For example, here I’ve created a Sharetest folder in my Drive E to test and now deleting it via the Command Prompt.

Yes, the Command Prompt says Share test was deleted successfully but that just means that it’s not shared anymore. The folder is still available on your PC.

4] Via Control Panel


  • Press Win+R and type Control Panel to open it.
  • Go to Network and Sharing Center.
  • Click on Change Advanced Sharing Settings.
  • Go to All Networks.
  • Under Public Folder Sharing, select the option saying ‘Turn off public folder sharing’
  • Click on Save Changes.

Once turned off, all your folders shared with the public will be disabled. People logged on to this PC will still be able to see and access these folders.

So these were some of the ways to Restrict Sharing a Folder in Windows 10. All of them are simple and need no specific tech knowledge. You can choose whichever seems more comfortable to you.

Now Read– How to share or transfer files between user accounts.

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