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How to Talk About Migrations | Talking About Migrations

How do we talk about migrations? In this series of talks academics from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures in conjunction with The Royal Society of Edinburgh discuss recent research on migration studies and its relevance to school curriculums.

In this series of workshops titled ‘Talking About Migrations’, our academics share insight into migration studies and their influence to school curriculums. The first in the series of workshops explore a common interdisciplinary research agenda that would strengthen current curricular provisions regarding the teaching and learning about migration in Scottish educational system and abroad, this event addresses the following two issues:

A) What is the state-of-affairs when it comes to teaching migrations in schools across Scotland and the UK?

B) What types of teaching strategies are used in addressing this topic?

The invited speakers from the field of education will discuss the state of affairs and their own experiences when it comes to teaching migrations in schools in order to assess the position of the theme of migration within the larger curriculum/policy, especially the Curriculum for Excellence.


cisco academie

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