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How to use FTP to upload files to WordPress for Beginners

File Transfer Protocol or FTP is a simple way to transfer files from one computer to another over the internet. This is one of the most popular methods that hosting providers or techinal support recommend for editing your site when you are unable to log in.

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For this tutorial we are using Filezilla which can be downloaded here:

You will want to reach out to your hosting and they would be able to let you know your FTP information for your site.

This tutorial is to show you how to connect to your site if you need to FTP in to fix errors, install a theme on your site, or any other issues that would require you to edit your site’s files.


by WPBeginner – WordPress Tutorials

linux ftp server

31 thoughts on “How to use FTP to upload files to WordPress for Beginners

  • Great video! If I wanted to create a local environment to make a custom theme (access PHP, Javascript, HTML, etc) , how would I do that? I have my FTP setup with Filezilla per your video, but I want to make big changes through my code editor. I read some of the articles you posted to others, but they talk about moving from local server to live; I'm looking to just create a local environment (my host is: hostinger, building on WordPress, and I don't want to use any pre-made themes – everything from scratch!)

  • All, I can say is she tells people to do things without explaining why. All I want to do is download my site onto my computer

  • Anyone know my issue fix? Will this do it? In my admin section file management. The little puzzle piece shape is how i guessed you upload files. It has no click here nothing. I just guessed. My site is like 8 years old. It always took a bunch of clicks before it opened my files to upload images. It worked but took a while of clicking before it did. Now its not clickable. I cannot upload any images to my site. The little puzzle shape isnt clickable at all now. Anyone know the fix? Thanks!

  • Can i download a complete wordpress site using this…what i mean is i could not download my site with wp migration can i download the whole site with http://ftp..if so how?

  • Throws up an error immediatley. Blocked by my router. Opened the port it states to use. Still won't work.

  • I've made the remote connection, but there's no WP folder or any folder showing up on the right side for that matter 😩

  • Hello! How can I get a FTP clients done on a chromebook?

  • i want to upload my website to wordpress. but i need
    ftp address
    username and password

    what is the FTP address for the wordpress?

  • I want to upload some instruction manuals for products my company sells. Where do I drop these instruction manuals so that I can put them on our, "User Aids" page?

  • LifeSaver! Thank you so much girl! The second way you suggested uploading fixed my issues.

  • Im having trouble getting my credentials accepted. Would they be my current password and username that I would use to access the word press site on the back end?

  • Thanks allot, was having issues accessing the ftp uploaded files…

  • Thank you! one piece of code- locked out! Now back in thanks to your video

  • How can I use Filezilla as a remote access into my wordpress website?

  • I'm having problems to upload at audio file and I can't a tutorial that shows this

  • Hi everybody i can't view network plugins wordpress am running 4.9.1 wordpress version

  • so simple. but it doesnt work for me. i did my wordpress credentials and tried my server credentials. what am i doing wronge? When she does it. it looks like a little baby can do it. i really dont get it.

  • Please tell how to create custom users with custom names and roles for example: I am making a website for a school there can be a user name like teacher and he/she can only add posts or do assigned things.

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