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How to use your programming environment from ANY computer

🚨🚨This video is sponsored by Coder: 🚨🚨


We’ve all been there. We messed up our environment because we installed something for a new project. We dropped our laptop, and boom, it was time for a new one. Or maybe you just upgraded to a new one — unless you have a Framework, amirite?

Going through and having to set things up again can be fun, don’t get us wrong — but not when you’re under a deadline. We’re exploring, which sponsored this video.

Think of your computer as a thin client, and all of your development takes place in an orchestrated self-hosted (YAY FOR FREE STUFF) solution. In a team environment, you can use hosted solutions like Digital Ocean, AWS EC2 instances, and more.

In this video, we’re going to demonstrate just how straightforward it is to get started — even hosting this on your local machine. With a few simple configurations, you can click a button and have a pristine environment dedicated to your project.

But what about your Neovim configs? Tmux or Zellij? No worries. You can have these setups ready every time you ssh in. More of a VS Code user? The user-friendly interface offers a one-click solution that instantly drops you in your project in VS Code.

There’s a lot to like about Coder — from being free for self-hosting to just making it easier to get in and ship features without dealing with “works on my machine” or worse, it doesn’t work on my machine because of an environmental issue.

Let’s get after it.

0:00 – breaking a computer
1:50 – what is coder?
2:40 – how does coder work?
4:20 – locally host coder to spin up workspaces
7:00 – deploy our NEOVIM config anywhere with dotfiles
9:55 – create a new workspace
10:50 – showing off deploying neovim
11:54 – thin client concept
12:30 – spin up workspaces for co-workers
13:48 – why we made this video


by typecraft

linux http server

30 thoughts on “How to use your programming environment from ANY computer

  • I hate it when I am not within the first 99 likes >:(

  • WOW That looks amazing, I'll be trying out as it seems to fit perfectly to my use case. I need to setup complex workspaces for developers, but most importantly, from within the workspaces have access to a microservices architecture already setup in the remote network.

  • I was like "so devcontainers with extra steps" until I see you installing neovim and dotfile config in the container

  • Yeah, that's gonna be an unsubscribe from me dawg… I don't respect someone who makes a 15 min long ad masquerading as a "review" only to do the bare minimum legal cover at the end. C'mon man you can do better than this, I understand you need money but like.. begging for a gofund me would have been more respectable than this to be honest. I dunno what to say, disappointed I guess.

  • That's a Thinkpad. At most, the pavement is now broken. Just continue working my dude.

  • Nix and direnv… almost guaranteed identical setup on any machine. You should give it a shot.

  • I don't get it. Instead of putting a version controlled Dockerfile in each project, I put a non-version controlled Dockerfile for each project on a server that I then have to SSH to?

    Adding a new person was already just "run the container" so what do I actually get except for more things to maintain?

  • Automation and Backups are Infinite Configuration hell
    Just do from scratch 💀

  • not sure i like that you left the sponser to the end should be stated a lot more strongly up front. you can do better, transparency is important.

  • The content is great, very informative and interesting. But the wit is priceless.

  • When you say beefy, can u give specifics?
    Im studying right now, and it seems something interesting to try when i have projects with my colleagues, or did i completely missed the proper use case for this tool? Anyway, amazing videos, this school year is almost over and i cant wait to spend a couple of weeks looking at that nerd face of yours.
    Great job, thank you

  • Does it handle localhost for developing a website? UI work would be quite difficult without a solution for that.

  • I thought you were about to go full Nix on us. Thanks for the great video and new tool recommendation!

  • took me almost until the end: everything runs in the browser.

  • Ur videos are so useful man keep going

  • That's a really interesting idea, but as you said probably more practical for work, especially your sharing environment example.

  • Gotta learn to code before this video applies x) Great as always haha

  • Can you do a full demo of setting this up (i.e. ssh-ing into the instance from terminal or whatever) as a YT short?

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