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How to use your QNAP NAS as a FTP Server using QuFTP


For a FREE 1 year trial license of ANY QNAP licensed software, please email, with your QID (The email account associated with your QNAP NAS) and which software you’d like to trial. The license should appear in your account within 48 hours. FTP is the most popular protocol for facilitating large file sharing, but its lack of security can open it to misuse or attacks. QuFTP provides a secure FTP solution, solving this security problem with TLS/ SSL support. With QuFTP’s centralized and intuitive dashboard, administrators can effortlessly monitor and manage all FTP related activities from a single interface.

With QuFTP installed on your NAS, you can easily deploy and control all FTP related activities through a single interface. QuFTP allows you to customize individual permissions for users and groups, improving FTP security and management efficiency. You can configure QoS (Quality of Service) settings and limit the number of simultaneous connections to ensure that your NAS and client devices run smoothly.

Set folder-level permissions for different users and groups. Each folder can be set to read-only, write-only, or deny read and write.

Limit the number of simultaneous connections and allocate different bandwidth to control individual users’ upload and download speeds.

If an event occurs, you will be notified instantly through the Notification Center, allowing you to easily monitor FTP activities and stay informed at all times.

QuFTP’s rule engine allows you to create custom access permissions for individual users or groups, such as access hours, limit access to only FTP root folders, or automatic watermark insertion.

QuFTP enables you to directly view all FTP-related system event logs, fulfilling quick and easy management.

Easily mount shared folders from a remote NAS and efficiently manage all your files across different servers as if they were stored locally through a single interface.

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linux ftp server

15 thoughts on “How to use your QNAP NAS as a FTP Server using QuFTP

  • 2:00 NOTE: FTP with SSL (FTPS) is NOT encrypted FTP! It only encrypts the connection layer (username and password). The transmitted data is not encrypted (e.g. file names and file contents). That's what SFTP is for!!!

  • Hi. The whole question is: how do I access remotely to the FTP of my QuNap? Where do I find the IP address? What are the credentials? Is there a real documentation somewhere?

  • how to setup a Qnap Firewall, so some one can access my ftp from any place all around the world?

  • Hi
    I have connected my Qnap through an external IP address. while doing uploading downloading getting error .

  • How about sftp protocol? In my case I can forward only one port…

  • what to do if there is no QuFTP in AppCenter? QNAP TS-253A

  • Thx for this tutorial, but where can i find the mounted folder of the remote connexion as a FTP client inside the NAS ? i'd like to have access to a remote folder in the FileStation on the NAS but nothing appear in mine despite the remote FTP client created…

  • Hi, thanks for the tutorial! Have you ever tried to create a rule to use the watermark option? I tried but when I click on save the watermark setting is not active and the rules says "disabled"…

  • Yes I have a question, where do I set the FTP client Passwords? Thanks

  • so, you are showing how to access ftp in a local network. whats the deal about that ? you could use user access via share folders….. the magic is to make the ftp accessable from outside. So, how does it work with your software ? ddns ? qnap cloud ?

  • Your videos are great but QNAPS not so much, I've been using them for way over 10+ years and I've decided to abandon ship.

    I'm sick of the constant vulnerbilities and paying over the top for low spec hardware, so I'm going to build my own one using some free open source software.

  • This is perfectly timed. I need to do this imminently. Sweet! Saves me looking it up now I know where it is!

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