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How VirtualBox 7.0 networking works – NAT, NAT Network, Internal Network, Bridged Adapter

Hi and welcome to my channel! In this tutorial, we are going to look at VirtualBox networking modes where I will explain how NAT, NAT Network, Internal Network, and Bridge Adapter network modes work as well as provide examples for each use case.

I created this video to supplement my cyber security virtual lab building series because I saw many people running into issues with the VirtualBox network setup so thought it best to fill in those gaps.

Checkout my Cyber Security Virtual Lab Building Series:

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DISCLAIMER: All information, techniques, and tools showcased in these videos are for educational and ethical penetration testing purposes ONLY. NEVER attempt to use this information to gain unauthorized access to systems without the EXPLICIT consent of its owners. This is a punishable offense by law in most countries.

#networking #virtualbox #cybersecurity


by LS111 Cyber Security Education

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

18 thoughts on “How VirtualBox 7.0 networking works – NAT, NAT Network, Internal Network, Bridged Adapter

  • This comments section is a little quiet so let me be the first. Are you finding these videos covering these foundational topics interesting, and if so what other foundational IT/cyber security topics are you getting stuck on and want me to cover in future videos? Lets get the conversation started.

  • Please. I have VB and VM. I have virtual machines on VMware and my Kali on Virtual box. I want all of them to communicate with each other. What settings do I make use of.

  • I can ping my host(Windows) from my VM. But I cannot ping my VM(Linux) from my host , using NAT mode. Why is that?

  • This was really, really good. The key point was configuring default gateway of other nodes in the network to firewall's LAN address. This is good.

  • Can this explanation be used for VMWare as well? or it works slightly different?

  • This is the best VMs networking explanation so far. Voice explanations and the graphical images are just the right ones for the best understanding of the topic.
    I'm very appreciate your work!

  • Thank you so much!!! This explanation so much and opens my eyes to understand how to use VirtualBox better.

  • Excellent information presented very well!!

  • Using virtual networks for years , but didn't observed the concept as you made , explanation was just amazing.
    How can i connect with you on LinkedIn.

  • very good series, still waiting for diving in BlueTeam and RedTam series in Deep…keep Going very good tutos and explanation untill now !

  • In NAT mode, does each virtual NAT device get a unique ip address on the external interface from the physical network? And if so would the vms be able to reach each other via port forwarding, with traffic going out the host to the physical network, then back into the host?

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