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How We Switched To Linux

Today we talk about how regular people tested Linux and eventually switched to Linux.
#linux #switch #windows

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by Switched to Linux

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13 thoughts on “How We Switched To Linux

  • i Switched To Linux when windows 8 happened i hated it so bad since it was so bad at switching from tablet mod to windows mode ..back in 2012 never looked back it was so nice to find out how much more customizable Linux is .. having so much more control .

  • Cool video – I always enjoy listening to how people became Linux users.

  • I used to be a Win32 developer, then MFC, and I really enjoyed it (got paid a ton of cash back then for doing relatively little work). Then a friend showed me the desktop cube and wobbly windows on SUSE Linux running on a (now ancient) AMD Athlon desktop PC. My mind exploded! Things were just so fast and snappy and smooth, and that eye-candy was astonishing. I've been using Linux ever since. I really miss the GNOME 2 days – the desktop was so much smoother and snappier back then. I've notice that things are a lot "heavier" and "clunkier" on the Linux desktop today. I guess it's "progress", but I do really miss the GNOME 2 (and Compiz) days. I'm now on Arch Linux with KDE Plasma 6, still loving it 😄

  • Most pro why I switched to Linux. Because updating windows was nightmare … then was to slow and I have to pay like OEM version. I am with linux 7years. My first linux was mandrake in 1999- 2000…

  • I cannot for the life of me at the moment think of the individual YouTubers nickname on here that said an excellent quote but I will try to repeat his or her quote to the best of my immediate memory..

    … " I would rather spend my time learning how to accomplish something in a new operating system than to waste my time trying to learn how to stop Windows from preventing me from getting things done in life as well as stop Windows from removing control I once had over what is supposed to be my computer"

    So good people…gave aby of you experienced that " IVE HAD IT!!" moment yet?

    I did well over four years ago and since Juky 28 2020… I am happy and thankful to say I finally wised up and left Michael crap when turd to rot in the past where Microsoft belongs in favor of Linux Mint cinnamon and could not be happier

  • O got tired of disabling everything after every update on windows. Even though there are utilities that help with that, or you can go and pick updates manually it was still too much hassle and then I realized that it was one of the complaints about Linux many years ago. You'd have to install updates manually and then fix your system because something broke something, thats not the case anymore. Updates are much more clean on mint too easy to understand what you're updating where's windows is some kind of coded name and vague description xyz update – security, tells me nothing. But on Linux you know exactly which program is getting updated you have name of the program, what the program does and description of update itself.

    Linux is still horror when it comes to certain things in my case gaming because of old nVidia card just takes too much time to setup. That being said Linux extremely fast and workflow efficiency is insane I love it. Where's windows at this point for me is OS that just doesn't work. Everything is slow and constant insistence on creating accounts for everything be it Microsoft or other programs I'm just done with that. Windows doesn't work where Linux mint works.

  • What a hillbilly, he is not wrong, but move out of the backwoods.ok, I listened for a while longer and he is nor a dumb ass, but he could do better.

  • I switched properly just over a week ago. I had been testing Linux Mint and a few other distros but having Windows there made it easy to give up trying to adjust. I accidentally formatted my windows ssd because I was tired and just went all in on installing the distro I had last downloaded. Zorin os 17, not looked back despite a few “teething problems”, some of which I am still learning to adjust to get them right.

  • I switched completely over five years ago, and recently started the process with a good friend by putting Linux on her ancient laptop (her desktop is Win 10).

  • Yesterday, at 5 AM, I finally installed Linux Mint in my gaming laptop, after recently dealing with an issue with Windows 10 not closing apps (not even with SuperF4), having to force shut down my laptop, and boot and turn of my laptop 2 times (it gets stuck in the boot loading screen) to boot into Windows again, plus I'm not going to upgrade to Windows 11, because I have no TPM, it lacks customization, data collection, etc…

  • First comment. This should be interesting. Your uncle is lucky to have you around.

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