38 thoughts on “HTC EVO 4G LTE unboxing

  • blackgraffix – this phone is still one of the best phones to this date, and has android version 4.1.3!

  • galaxy s3 is better than that phone and faster

  • Theres headphones for the phone but their sold seperately

  • what's your point? ferraris' cost half their retail price to make…does it mean it's garbage? FUCK NO

  • I'm getting this phone 2014 for my next upgrade

  • hahahah the cheapest Dr. Dre earbuds are around $100…be realistic

  • I'm definitely getting this phone, my update is coming up soon!

  • Just got my EVO 4G LTE and I can tell you, even without beats headphones I can notice improvement in the sounds!

  • Oh, well, I mean, I don't really care, but it's still nice to have it in the phone itself to me. 😀

  • The back cover…..should be black red and white…….

  • He meant with a different name…If AT&T got the Droid Razr it would just be called Razr.

  • You can buy the Quad core international (T3/HOX) from over seas and hope for the best it works here in the U.S. To risky/expensive and NVIDIA already said no LTE/Quad core until 2013. Besides every test has the S4 Krait (Dual Core Qualcomm) on par w/T3 HOX (Tegra 3 quad core Kbt.Vers) YouTube it!

  • Sound like a better phone than the One series. Have better specs and a micro sd slot. Take it from me, LCD screen is much sharper than Super Amoled. It is better to watch videos on them. I have the HTC rezound. Love it ever since. I just wish my rezound have a bigger screen like a 4.8 screen. It would have been a perfect phone all around. Given a choice I would take this phone or wait for the Galaxy 3.

  • @MrJamesefleming dude you are asking a stupid question as is if I were to ask is the DROID phones coming to other carriers when DROID is Verizon exclusive

  • @dubskillz8 well looks like the US is screwed but thats okay because the 4G LTE is said to have better benchmarks than the one X

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