HYPRLAND and QTILE with dotfiles 2.7. Enhanced Hyprland settings, new wallpaper selector & much more
In this video covers the new version 2.7 of my dotfiles for Hyprland and Qtile.
Download the new version from my Gitlab repository.
NEW key features:
Enhanced Hyprland settings script to update configurations of Hyprland and Waybar on the fly
New improved wallpaper selector with thumbnail preview
Waybar starter theme for your custom developments and customization
Alacritty now with icons based on eza
New waybar module to disable temporarily swaylock for undisturbed online meetings or watching videos
SDDM Display Manager can be installed with the installation script
Improved installation script for Hyprland and Qtile incl. backups, restore from the previous version and improved user experience with the great library gum.
You will find detailed information about the installation and update process + some tips and tricks in the README file.
Please also read the CHANGELOG for more information.
You can find detailed information about Hyprland on the Hyprland Wiki:
With the support and feedback of many Linux users and followers of this channel, I was able to implement exciting new features into this new version.
Learn how you can use Linux for your work.
Linux is a great Operating System (OS) to support me daily at my business. Linux is stable, fast and you can customize it to individual needs. In this channel, I want to share my setup of Arch Linux and show how I use my system as a daily driver.
My name is Stephan Raabe and I’m a Digital Marketing Professional with more than 20 years of experience in B2B Digital Marketing, computer science and web technologies.
This channel provides tutorials about Linux, the distribution Arch, window managers (e.g. Qtile) and desktop environments, and Microsoft 365 (Office 365) plus other cloud based services that I use in Digital Marketing activities.
My Dotfiles for my Linux configuration:
Hyprland Starter Package
Arch Installation Script:
MyChatGPT Python Script:
00:00 Overview
02:24 Hyprland with dotfiles 2.7
02:54 Wallpaper selector
03:56 Disable swaylock
04:43 Systray module
05:08 Hyprland settings improvements
13:35 Alacritty with icons
14:25 Use the Waybar theme starter
15:34 Qtile updates
#linux #archlinux #hyprland #tutorial #learning #linux
by My Linux For Work
linux foundation
I love your support for custom config files. I save them on my NAS so when I deploy a new build I can just copy all the files back and and it;s configured how I like it.
And when you update it, my configs don;t get overwritten
Amazing project, thank you so much for these dotfiles!
I'd like to change alacritty's theme to catppuccin : downloading and importing a few default themes to my alacritty config folder usually works, but it doesn't seem to do anything here… I'm only using Hyprland, do its colors override anything configured in the .toml file?
I'm new to all of this, so it gets confusing where colors are configured
Great work. And happy new year man
For the next release please make natural scrolling enabled for touchpads
Even I tried editing configuration but it is not working
I don't know what to do
Where I can find the green wallpaper at 3:26
You are 1000% my go to channel for optimizing my desktop(: Seriously your dot files and youtube channel are phenomenal. It’s not like i have many friends or coworkers that share a passion for computers like i do, but i definitely would recommend your videos to anyone i know that has an interest in linux kernel
Danke mein Herr! I like the tweaks with the settings customization's! sehr schlau!!!
Das ist wirklich unfassbar geil gemacht. Vielen vielen Dank…
Superawesome, thank you!
ich vermassle regelmäßig die Zeit/Datum Einstellung via dem Zahnrad Settings weil ich die Sonderzeichen nicht auf der Tastatur finde bzw copy & past in den Settings nicht funktioniert. Hier wäre eine Reset Funktion wünschenswert da man sich bei so vielen Einstellmöglichkeiten schnell verzockt hat…
man I love this one so much. The clean monochrome UI looks great.
Thanks for your hard work and dedication on this project. I was running it for a test, it seems all is working while installing everything from your install script. There’s though a problem I can’t yet find with hyprland: the wallpaper isn’t displayed, only a black background but the themes are properly updated (waybar, alacritty, etc.). Any idea ?
Stephan, seems to be that you don't sleep thinking how to improve your dotfiles ❤ amazing job!
Has anyone made a custom theme using the Default? I see some potential but my configs are limited. Any shares appreciated
Amazing 🎉,, next please talk about eww widget for hyprland,, 👍
Installed your dotfiles on endeavour, no problems and very smooth!
Nice, i'd like to suggest the implementation of a live up and down speed to the waybar .. thanks for your efforts.
Hello. nice video and setup. I am trying to increase my linux knowledge. I got some questions.
I guess you are using Arch linux right? How do you get that top bar? What does it called?
What actually hyprland is for? is it just tiling the terminals?
Please make your dot files available for Debian or Ubuntu please. This will make a hell lot of difference. Thanks!
What a dot file!!! You makes us fall in love with hyprland. In the future, it will be better in my opinion to make it more polished and refined rather than adding more features which will make it more complex to manage. And also add a global search option that can find not only apps but also files. One newbi question I have is what is the key binding for app launch in your dot file. Thanks!
Thanks for all your work man, this is amazing!
I have tried to install 4 times in EndeavourOS but after completed installations a black screen display. First I installed EndeavourOS without any desktop. Than instilled your dotfiles with Qtile. Also after rebooting no sddm starting only tty mode run. Is there anything wrong step taken by me to install your dotfiles ? just a bottm left showing an error something like this " M to spawn".
Had many of the same ideas concerning configuration (especially Waybar); many times, Waybar shipped via dots have way too many "buttons" for my requirements requiring me to do quite a bit of post installation editing. Would like to be able to set a specific SDDM wallpaper in addition to the current option setting the "current wallpaper"; think that the inclusion would round off the SDDM background options nicely.
Those config options scripts are looking very awesome btw. Fantastic work!
Great work! Thanks for making it available!
Nuevamente debo felicitarte por un tremendo trabajo. Gracias por compartirlo. Saludos desde Córdoba, Argentina.
7:08 The wallpaper blur on the terminal windows really make them look nice, almost like an old retro screen with light reflections. Perfect!
Amazing stuff man. Really appreciate you maintaining and sharing your dotfiles for us