I am a Mainframer: Megan Rupert

In this month’s episode of the “I Am A Mainframer” podcast, hosted by Steven Dickens of The Futurum Group, guest Megan Rupert provides valuable insights into the evolving mainframe industry, underscoring the importance of diversity, community engagement, and the continuous adaptation of mainframe technology to meet future challenges.

Here are the top takeaways from their conversation:

Event Management in Tech: Megan discussed her pivotal role in event execution at Broadcom, where she handles conferences, one-on-one executive meetings, and third-party engagements. Her work is integral in bringing together professionals and experts in the mainframe industry.

Share Conference and Industry Revival Post-COVID: The discussion highlighted the success of the recent Share conference in New Orleans, with Megan noting a significant increase in attendance, which, to her, indicated a resurgence in industry engagement post-COVID. The conference attracted a diverse group, including many new hires and students, signifying a fresh influx of talent in the mainframe sector.

Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Megan leads Broadcom’s diversity efforts, focusing on creating a more inclusive mainframe community. She discussed organizing quarterly webinars and sessions on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), aiming to foster awareness and allyship. These efforts have grown significantly, from small beginnings to well-attended events and sessions at major conferences.

Career Path Insights: Megan shared her unique journey into the tech industry, transitioning from marketing in the luxury sector to tech event management at Broadcom. Her story highlights the varied paths professionals can take into the tech world, encouraging listeners, especially students, to explore diverse career options.

Future of Mainframe Technology: Looking ahead, Megan sees significant growth in integrating AI and cloud technologies with mainframes, especially in high-security sectors like banking and government. This integration points to an evolving landscape where mainframes continue to play a critical role, reinforced by new generations of tech professionals.

Don’t miss this engaging conversation!

#mainframe, #opensource, #opensourceadoption, #IamaMainframer, #podcast, #openmainframeproject, #LinuxFoundation, #MeganRupert, #Broadcom, #StevenDickens, #TheFuturumGroup

The “I Am A Mainframer” podcast explores the careers of those in the mainframe ecosystem. Hosted by Steven Dickens, Senior Analyst at The Futurum Group, each episode is a conversation that highlights the modern mainframe, insight into the mainframe industry, and advice for those looking to learn more about the technology.

The podcast is sponsored by the Open Mainframe Project, a Linux Foundation project that aims to build community and adoption of Open Source on the mainframe by eliminating barriers to Open Source adoption on the mainframe, demonstrating the value of the mainframe.


by Open Mainframe Project

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