I Am Because We Are: The Spirit of UBUNTU | Max Quinn | TEDxBSU

Living the spirit of UBUNTU is something everyone can aspire to do. UBUNTU speaks about wholeness, it speaks about compassion and asks us to pause and answer one question: Are you going to enable the community around you, and help it improve? Or, are you living solely for yourself?

Max currently works in Residential Life and Housing at UMass-Lowell. He also serves the New England region as the Province Archon of Sigma Pi Fraternity, Intl., where he oversees the six undergraduate chapters that call New England their home. Max is a speaker who is passionate about coaching students on Digital Identity Development and helping them understand the impact that their campus involvement will have on their future. He earned both his Master of Education degree in Student Affairs Counseling (2013) and Bachelor of Science degree in Management (2010) from Bridgewater State University. Max enjoys time spent with loved ones and is an avid Hockey player and Boston Bruins fan.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx



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