I built 10 web apps… with 10 different languages
Which serverside web framework is the best? To find out, I built the same app 10 times with 10 different programming languages.. Learn the fundamentals of fullstack web development by comparing MVC frameworks.
#webdev #programming #top10
🔗 Resources
Ruby on Rails https://rubyonrails.org/
Python Django https://djangoproject.com
PHP Laravel https://laravel.com/
Java Spring https://spring.io/
C# .NET https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/aspnet
Next.js https://nextjs.org/
Elixir Phoenix https://phoenixframework.org/
Rust Rocket https://rocket.rs/
Go Gin https://gin-gonic.com/
Swift Vapor https://vapor.codes/
Kotlin Ktor https://ktor.io/
📚 Chapters
00:00 I Built 10 Fullstack Apps
01:04 MVC Architecture Explained
01:39 Rails
03:58 Django
05:14 Laravel
06:32 Next
08:23 Spring
09:25 .NET
10:36 Phoenix
11:27 Gin
12:25 Rocket
13:13 Vapor
13:52 Ktor
14:01 The GOAT
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🔖 Topics Covered
– Comparison of server-side frameworks
– How to build a fullstack web app
– Best way to build a web application
– Comparison of web development tools
by Fireship
linux web server
The best framework is the one that actually gets your product launched in a reasonable time.
Is there an update? Which one is the next King?
Any application is long story short of letting people store their input into a database somewhere in the middle of nowhere so at some point, the server people can ask for money from you to remind you what fucked up shit you entered on your ex's 28th birthday at 3:00am.
Rest is just irrelevant. Frontend, backend, ui, ux….blah blah… everything is a fasade…..
Please buy a popkiller for your mic 🙏
Most of us have very limited view based on our experience with the only framework we have experience with. This video helps us come out of the 'well' and appreciate other frameworks.
I can't wait until I understand 10% of what you're talking about
i got totally 3 ads during this video
i would like to write a comment and drop out in side
and the winner is fireship
and the winner is next js
I've developped web apps with Django, Spring, React and Rails. Hands down Rails wins them all.
Whay is the claas of Django
Is tell me you know a lot of programming languages and frameworks without telling me you know a lot of programming languages and frameworks has a video. 🤣
14:13 Uncle Stefan Mischook disliked this video, and rage-unsubscribed from Fireship
Micronaut + Mustache | Handlbars + HTMX….. Lovely! Everything generated at compile time. Easy compile to native code 😉
Nuxt and Next are my two favorites. Nuxt wins out for me though, the code in Vue just feel cleaner when working on a team.
0:26 hilarious 😂
Writing full stack in swift … yeah
Go is the best !!
Decorators are called annotations in Java
Such a funny intro. No nonsense
How do you even understand(or maybe a master) those languages? I mean its like a whole IT department your mind go BOOM🤯
I chose vanilla started with it and will die with it
how much time does it take for you to learn all these programming language? and do you have specific method that you use to learn those fast? This is impressive
Skipped to the end
No clear explanation as Ktor Because i am kt developer
Is it me , or is it realy strange that i too found rails is fantastic but realy not that popular
Sorry man, but I firmly disagree with you about Ruby On Hells being the best framework! Not even close! LoL!
1 question to ask hopefully get answers from senior developer.
Am good at frontend and also know Mern stack. Now I want learn new language for backend. Python , C++, Go in these languages which should I start learning?
Advance Thank you.
I know C++ is not popular in web development. But still I put that on the list.
Phoenix >>> ALL
NueJS will soon enter the list of new options. 😊
Don,t use spring, use only😊spring boot
as a professional rails developer I hate rails so much
please, repeat with me MVC IS NOT AN ARCHITECTURE, is just a presentation tier design pattern
JavaScript world is crazy😂
Django is literally a dignified farsighted Gift from Python, although there are Flask, and recently they have FastApi but they are just microframeworks , made for just creating REST API s , which makes a big difference among others and django(I am not even considering the JS backends)
Hey guys can you help your bro find some good free resources to learn the phoenix framework, i need it for my upcoming job and im pretty broke to buy actual courses. Thankyou.❤
When he starts talking about the stack you are familiar with, you feel home.
Fiber of Go and actix of Rust seems better options than Gin and Rocket
My favorite frameworks of all time are Django and MeteorJS. They focus on getting the shit done.
Used rails so many years ago I'm sure it got better but back then it was a memory hog on the server
Как же жалко что он снимает на английском а не на русском
Dude, dont use functions in Django, use a load of built-in classes that provide a variety of functionality you dont need to build by your own
i don't know if my comment get noticed or not, but iam writing this, kindly do a full tutorial on how to build a web app . why iam asking it to you ? because you explain things more clearly than any other YouTubers.
Watching this, I realized programming languages are just like human languages. It's not about how many you speak, but how effectively you communicate. 🌍🔧
Prisma Balls
"… JAVA is a boilerplate driven language for writing instant legacy code…" XD