I Built a CoPilot+ AI PC (without Windows)

Raspberry Pi AI enters the chat.

The new AI Kit is $70 and you can find more on Raspberry Pi’s website:

Full disclosure: Raspberry Pi sent the AI Kit I’ve been testing for this video—they did not sponsor the video nor did they have any input into the content of this video (or a chance to review it before it was published).

Some of the things I mentioned in this video:

– Frigate NVR video:
– Hailo AI:
– Google Coral TPUs:
– Pineboards (the HATs I used):
– Tam Hanna’s video on the AI Camera:–kw0tVd0
– Alftel 12-slot M.2 PCIe expansion card:
– My Pi PCI Express Database site:
– Hailo examples for Pi 5:
– Raspberry Pi AI Kit docs:

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00:00 – Total Recall
00:33 – Raspberry Pi AI Kit
01:05 – AI AI oh.
01:38 – Cameras
02:59 – AI architecture
04:22 – YOLO (and other Demos)
06:04 – LLMs and Generative AI
06:28 – 51 TOPS attempt – the build
09:42 – No magic smoke!
11:02 – Any other way?
11:49 – Other AI options (that are actually useful)


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37 thoughts on “I Built a CoPilot+ AI PC (without Windows)

  • 0:53 – My brain must've been turned off when I was making that slide. The Coral does 4 TOPS, not 2. And the Hailo-8L is more like 3-4 TOPS/W, not the 8 I put in the slide.

    Sorry about that, wish I could edit that bit in the video but YouTube doesn't have any mechanism to allow it! Thanks to @thijsp for pointing out my glaring mistake!

    Good night, I'm getting some sleep—it's morning in the UK, middle of the night here 😉

  • Jeff sir pineboard is not available in India & no online deliveries for India, is there any alternatives?

  • I'm neck deep in NPU coding but glad to see its spreading more outside the corporate prison walls! Subbed!

  • Sorry but you really don't know about AI.

  • How about an LLM? Can this coprocessor help with something like Ollama based coding copilot?

  • Who cares about running AI. All the power comes from the training data. A $70 kit is going to lose to the $1000000000000 that M$ et al have invested in this scam.

  • YES AND FAAAAK NO.. NO CAUSE someone gonna Eww that or Stickit to a furby.

  • Jeff. You must get a cricket ball and dispense with the baseball ball and glove. From the UK!! 😂

  • Yeah, so you did nothing at all at the end… spoiler alert!

  • Title is… "I Built a CoPilot+ AI PC (without Windows)"
    -ingenous wording for CoPilot+, however the contraption… did not run Copilot+
    -AI… well NPUs are there, and models were run, so that's fair.
    -PC… that currently do not have architecturally… ARM SoCs?
    -Without Windows… that's indeed corrrect. Not that a Raspberry Pi could run Windows, currently.
    -Full deployment of the contraption… did not work fully.
    So 40% fair, 60%.

    Previous video had better title, sorry.

  • I remember when I was first getting the PCIe on the Pi5 going, and everyone was screaming about signal integrity!

    Now look at you!

  • that tri pod that holding up the camera, where can i get it?

  • Alternative title: "I Built a PC (with MORE SPYWARE)".

  • So does this mean you don't technically need the hat or a pi5? Like say you use cytrons cm4 maker board. It allows access to pcie 2×1 to the cm4 right?

  • I'm more impressed how you managed to daisy chain PCIE channels rather than the AI stuff

  • When I worked in the UK we had a suggested system that would take a picture of a machine that was running … Then compare the image to "correct" operation. Fault detection and stopping the machine if a fault was detected.
    The Pi could do this in real time video now.. 25 years later.
    But back in 1999.. this would cost £2,500 to implement.

  • Jeff we want to see how you configured home assistant for the power usage monitor! (Saw in an old video, comment it here just to put it in a recent video)

  • Free Palestine。Don't buy Hailo product。because it's Israeli company

  • ….. makes me want Ui skins for Poi Machine and Poi Samaritan

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