I exposed a Windows XP Machine to the Internet and Live Streamed it
Live stream of secure operating system Windows XP exposed to the internet. Shoutout to @pcsecuritychannel for the suggestion.
Official Discord Server – https://discord.gg/cqqWYDdcBn
Follow me on X – https://www.twitter.com/atericparker
Disclaimer: The content in this video is for education and entertainment purposes to showcase the dangers of malware & malicious software. I do not encourage any form of illegal hacking, nor do I encourage the usage of game cheats, cracks or hacks.
Cracks are sometimes shown to highlight the dangers of software piracy, my content is not intended to teach anybody how to pirate, or maliciously hack.
More Malware Investigation Videos:
→ The latest “NORD” Malware – Nordsecured: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1Qou6X4lsA
→🧧VIRUS WARNING🧧 NEW Optifine for Minecraft 1.16 SCAM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=macOk6haAv0
→ The wilkreate YouTube stealer virus that started this whole trend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLWuG3P1Gew
(C) Eric Parker 2024
windows server
God said "No networking"
Tutorial soon for this + safety for vm escape please
Wow, this is the kind of content, keep me visiting youtube.
Great stream
i love the slow motion nyan cat in the end
Why do you need windows? Install nyan cat os
@Eric Parker im not a huge yt person but i have my own channel would love to chat sometime some kind of collab maybe or game time ^…^
also there is a bit more secure way to do this if you are interested if its at home anyway if its in the cloud it does not matter as much
I know this was virtual XP but does this mean MWB is useless? 😢
Dude, how do you do this? I don't have the option to disable the router, I get internet connection via fiber optic cable. I turned off the firewall in the router settings and directed the DMZ to the computer, but nothing happened in Virtualbox. What is the secret of this job?
conhoz 2: conhoz strikes back
zoo pr0n
You don't need to do this with Windows 11 because the spyware is built in.
This is the type of thing I needed to find before eating, thanks.
This was fun to watch, thanks!
man said rust is the best programming language
checked out after that
Nice live stream!
childhood nostaliga runind by memes of all virusses but hell i love memes
i was here! but then my internet went out
I was late and missed the stream
CHAT NOT AVAILABLE 😿anyways i was the first 1k subscribers on your channel erik and i kept whining about it the entire time so i guess i'll join your discord server to resolve this heartache
That was a good one! Love it
TempleOS is the most secure OS because God protects it
I create malware testing videos (mostly GDI) and I'm looking to branch out, what would be a good idea?
Now try Windows Vista and see if its the securest os considering its such little popularity
missed the stream:(
What is up with that one hacker towards the end…
This was a great stream, thanks!
First can u pin me 😮 i love ur vids