I Passed The CCNA 200 301 My Experience and Tips
I recently passed the Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam. In this video I share some study tips and suggestions for people interested in the CCNA. I also give some overall thoughts on the material learned, and the exam experience.
Links Mentioned
Jeremy’s IT Lab YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeremysITLab
Keith Barker YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KeithBarker
Practical Networking Subnetting Mastery YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWZ-MHIhqjM&list=PLIFyRwBY_4bQUE4IB5c4VPRyDoLgOdExE
Cisco CCNA Official Cert Guide Vol 1: https://amzn.to/3mTMaQK
Cisco CCNA Official Cert Guide Vol 2: https://amzn.to/3QGGAir
31 Days Before Your CCNA Exam: https://amzn.to/3Onh5k1
Subnetting Practice:
Cisco CCNA Topics Roadmap: https://learningcontent.cisco.com/documents/200_301_CCNA_v1.0_2.pdf
Cisco Packet Tracer, Networking Simulation Lab Environment: https://www.netacad.com/courses/packet-tracer
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I feel obligated to educate this person's audience. He is 100% incorrect around 11:51 mark. You do NOT need a ccna to get the ccnp nor do you need the ccnp to get the ccie. This is old school. If you are going for the 200-3xx+ series, there are zero prerequisites for the advanced certs.
I'm studying for the CCNA right now but I also have no prior IT background (other than messing around with some front-end web dev stuff)…
What I'd like to see, is a video detailing some steps to land a junior network engineering role with no degree etc…
Kinda the path to actually land a job.
The CCNA is not entry. That level goes to the cct and now the ccst exam. Despite so many calling it entry, it is not.
This was a great testimonial of the CCNA exam!
Thank you for taking the time to put together this detailed experience video of studying for the CCNA. How long did you study for?
Really good video. Thanks!
is there lab exam or simulation? I will take the exam after 2 months
Congratulations ! Thank you for this really insightful video. I appreciate the audio being so clear not cluttered with music. Very helpful, thanks for sharing !
what subnetting cheapsheet did you sue
Make sure you know the difference between Administrative Distance and longest prefix. And you will be tested on EIGRP and RIP, basically as an afterthought. Like you should know those protocols and the details of those protocols as a given, and so assuming you know them, then x,y, and z. The main thing about the test is they will present you questions you have never seen, and answers about topics you don't know. But what you do know should help you choose the correct answers. Its a weird test. I have current A+, Net+, and Sec+ and now CCNA since last Monday. This test was definitely harder.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. I was listening to the audio in the car and I apologize for yelling at you to FOCUS!!
I don't make videos and have no idea how hard it is to get your message out without a script.
Congrats and thanks again.
Thank you for sharing your CCNA certification journey. Congratulations on passing it! I enjoyed watching this video as you honestly related your study approach for and experience with studying for the CCNA certification. I like Practical Networking – Ed Harmoush. His CCNA videos on OSPF, IPV4 subnetting, NAT/PAT, ACLs and How data flows through the Internet are a must watch. His Packet Tracer, and GNS3 labs are very instructive.
Keith Barker, David Bombal, Network Chuck and Kevin Wallace also have a few great CCNA videos on various topics.
Hello.. please is there anyone here that wrote the CCNA 200-301 exam after the July 12 announcement. ?? If they got lab question’s… thank you
Interesting video. Been working on enterprise networks at a low level MSP for about 3 years, but almost exclusively layer 2. I've got my CCNA exam scheduled on the 25th. Want to get my hands onto some routers, and then get AWS certified on track to become a cloud engineer. Feel like i've got a solid understanding of the concepts, we will just have to see how well i can execute at the testing facility !
Congrats, Wes! I've only have some experience configuring our switches at work, writing the ACLs, configuring ports/spanning tree/bpduguard, etc – since I work at Linux at home the command line comes pretty naturally. I still can't get my head around some networking things – luckily that has been farmed out and no longer my responsibility.
Good job!
Nice work my man!