I Spent 24 Hours Wearing Apple’s Vision Pro Headset | WSJ
Apple’s Vision Pro mixed-reality headset puts digital information in your real world. But how does it fit into your daily life with activities like working, watching Apple TV, cooking and FaceTiming?
WSJ’s Joanna Stern attempted to wear it for 24 hours straight—including on the ski slope.
0:00 Apple’s headset
0:59 Working
2:28 Personas
3:40 Cooking
5:27 Watching
6:15 Glasses
6:33 Skiing / Spatial Video
7:37 Takeaways
Tech Things With Joanna Stern
Everything is now a tech thing. In creative and humorous videos, WSJ senior personal tech columnist Joanna Stern explains and reviews the products, services and trends that are changing our world.
#Apple #VisionPro #WSJ
how to repair windows 7
I am sure this will be awesome for PHub rest I would pass.
It cost so much money 💰
4:04 sold separately.
You all wowing that it has 2 timers for cooking as if you all had never cooked before without a timer. Geez….🤣 such a stupid justification for how expensive and uncomfortable these things are.
Best feature is that I can now fry worry -free from from oil explosion
Now imagine the “Vision Pro 15”
I'm sure this won't give you brain cancer… .
Definitely wasted.
Why we have to do manythings at the same time ?
What a waste of money
Confirmed. Focal length is long enough that I don’t need readers in Apple Vision Pro.
The battery is shyt on it that alone does not justify the price
Nilay only being “Joanna’s Friend” is sending me 😂
this is so useless i'd rather invest 3500 into crypto and get 5x times of it back in profit then waste it on this junk
Eh I’m happy with my Apple Watch Ultra and iPhone 14 Pro Max
So, it is time to talk about our neuro-rights: NeuraLink + Apple Vision Pro + Wireless Tech = Wireless espionage on the making, silently.
I don’t think they made those glasses so ppl could wear them out in public or while your cooking. Wearing them outside around other ppl such as when your driving or in situations where you could bump into ppl are probably not why they were made. But leave it up to idiots because someone is going to get killed because someone wore these outside in public.
Someone is not being honest here! Wearing a VR headset for more than an hour is going to leave you with a distinctive "racoon eyes" once you take them off which I have not seen even once in this footage! I can't imagine what your face would look like after 24 hours! Yet, you take them off and your face is as clear as snow. I don't buy it for a second!
Cool gimmicky toy. I think most people will stick to a smartphone and computer
Looks silly…
3500 .. insane you can do a lot more with 3500$
It seems that Dystopian World is coming up
Just the first step. Imagine in 5-10 years… Scary
It’s really sad to see how much time people spend buried in their phones and isolating themselves, now this is the next step; where you can’t even look up and make direct eye contact at the person across from you.
Dark times for humanity.
Yea, no thanks.
This is kind of creepy honestly. ..
Or, here's a thought … just use a timer from your oven or phone & cook WITHOUT wearing that silly device so that your family doesn't feel like you're ignoring them!
Think I'll stick with LSD
Optometry and neurology practices are about to be lit!
she got real humor 😅 luv it ❤
Great musical choice for the place you are, actually
😢😢 the real life is Gon the real fun is chasing goodbye family time live alone like 🤮🤮🤮
I doubt most people will want to wear heavy headsets for hours (assuming the battery even lasts a few hours). 4 hours is not very long.
The tech is impressive but I fear it's another gimmicky product that won't sell in sufficient numbers. 3D tv was a recent example.
And the price for a potential gimmick product is crazy.
I think i might just use the interne glasses in the 2030s
That vision pro thing is still prototype and not compact ….so not buying it lol
The fact they calling a 10 year old tech new and charging almost 4 grand for a piece of plastic 😬. They could’ve at least made the leans glass and not plastic
One of the worst product ever made in this world.
It looks so useless
Wearing for 24 hours is steep. I’d be concerned with becoming observed and part of the machine 🤖
Very dystopian I'll pass
2:00 this apple keyboard sucks so much. terrible ergonomics
They control us like cra mother er