I switched to Ubuntu….

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I hate making video that come off as negative, but ultimately I would love for Ubuntu to succeed and have it as one of the options that I’m able to recommend to anyone no matter your skill set. In the current state I cannot recommend Ubuntu as a desktop operating system to anyone. It really sucks because Ubuntu is how I and may others started out with Linux, I just wish it was up to par with some of the other options we have.


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#Linux #TechHut #Ubuntu #StudywithEdraw #BacktoSchoolCreation #EdrawMaxReviews



21 thoughts on “I switched to Ubuntu….

  • How you feel about ubuntu is how i feel about linux mint like i have next to no issues other than some games just having problems (mainly new world) but other people ive talked to have had a horrible time with mint so idk why linux can have such a weird set of issues dependent on the person like fedora i had a terrible time & went back to mint.

  • Ubuntu doesn't have git preinstalled.

    Which is kinda funny as linux is mostly used by developers, or people who will be forced to learn how to use the terminal 🤷

  • The X error with an OK button and no explanation was so funny!

    …and I use Fedora btw

  • I had tons of issue with Ubuntu and tired using REISUB. That's why I switched to KDE NEON.

  • ubuntu freezing?!?
    And I have many other issues!
    If it would be stable, I would stay on Ubuntu. But they lost me already!
    And snap… that's a huge failure! Canonical should take its losses on snap and drop it asap.

  • i dont understand why people love flatpak and hate snaps. they are both the same thing, just run by two different enterprise companies. i dont have any errors and im not missing xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, when i looked, it was already installed. the only thing im not liking about ubuntu is being forced on snaps for things like firefox. both the snaps and flatpak affect speed and integration. i forced it out with the mozilla repo. it let me use the non snap version of vlc so i could use gstreamer plugins, it was nice not being forced to do that. i use ubuntu for two reasons, lts versions and the fact more software is targeted towards it. anbox is only available as a snap too.

  • sorry but for sunning servers or development installations snaps are better

  • We have read at several places that Fedora is the next Ubuntu, and there is some evidence for it. Thanks for your great reviews, Techhut.

  • I have the same story – I left Ubuntu for Fedora.

  • My experience has been smooth with ubuntu.

  • Ubuntu 20.04 was working well for me. I upgraded to 22.04 and started experiencing freezes that stop the OS completely (once a day or every two days). I've spent hours loooking for solutions and none have stopped the issue so far

  • Ubuntu lattest version is really a peace of ( you know what), if you wanna try linux dont even try Ubuntu, you will start hating linux. And after watching this vid, Now i dont even trust this YouTuber other videos. good bye unsubscribe and Clicked dont recommend this channel

  • It is funny to see all these tech youtubers having so many issues with ubuntu. I am a noob to liinux and the first distro I installed was ubuntu because it was the most popular which meant that it would have an active community, regular updates and most packages and drivers. I looked everything up and set up a dual boot system for windows and ubuntu on my 10 year old laptop and I havent had a single issue with ubuntu. Had zero problem switching over and I quite enjoyed all the customisations and FOSS apps.

  • I've been a windows guy and wanted to learn and get the feeling of Linux, so I installed Ubuntu on one of my laptops. I thought I was doing something wrong or getting the idea that any flavor of Linux is so buggy and awful as Ubuntu. Now I learn that Ubuntu is also awful for experienced Linux users. I'm ditching Ubuntu….it makes you waste so much time trying to figure out little things and bugs that it's not worth my time. I'll stick to Windows 11….no more Linux for me.

  • Been using Manjaro with gnome as my daily driver desktop OS for a couple years now, and man… It's stable as heck, but the random visual bugs in gnome are constant. Sometimes the visual bugs go away for awhile and come back as well. I figure this is a gnome thing and not a Manjaro thing, but at this point I can't be bothered switching to a different desktop environment at the risk of downtime to my desktop when it technically works fine.

  • What about battery consumption? I heard it eats battery and not so optimised

  • Ubuntu is a shadow of its former self.

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