I Used LINUX For A Year And Never Looked Back [A Rabbithole That Is Worth Falling Into]

I fell into the rabbithole and have decided to stay.

About more than a year ago, my curiosity has driven me to try using Linux.

I’m not going to lie and say that everything went smoothly as I’ve hoped for (and that was on me. I chose an Arch-derivative.), but in the end, my experience on it went better than what I have expected.

This video is about that.


00:00 – INTRO
01:16 – CONTEXT
02:11 – Question 1: What Can I Expect?
02:55 – Question 2: What Distro Should I Use?
04:39 – Questions 3&4: Can I Still Use The Proprietary Applications That I Use For Work & Hobbies On Linux? If Not, What Are The Alternatives? | UI & User-Friendliness-Wise, Are The Alternatives Good?
06:40 – Question 5: Can I Still Play My Steam Games?
08:15 – Question 6: What About iCUE? How Can I Control My Fan Speeds, Monitor Temperature, and Can I Still Use My Keyboard’s [K70] Features Without It?
09:11 – Question 7: Can I Still Use AHK? [AutoHotKey]
10:24 – Question 8: What Proprietary Software(s) Can I Live Without?
10:47 – Question 9: Would My Hardware Still Be Usable On Linux?
11:03 – Why Arch-based and KDE?
15:22 – END


Linus Tech Tips: youtube.com/@LinusTechTips
SomeOrdinaryGamers: youtube.com/@SomeOrdinaryGamers
Mental Outlaw: youtube.com/@MentalOutlaw
TechHut: youtube.com/@TechHut
Chris Titus Tech: youtube.com/@ChrisTitusTech
The Linux Experiment: youtube.com/@TheLinuxEXP
Erik Dubois: youtube.com/ErikDubois

The Linux Foundation: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/
Distrochooser: https://distrochooser.de/
What is a rolling-release distro? https://itsfoss.com/rolling-release/
Arcolinux: https://arcolinux.com/
DaVinci Resolve: https://blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve
Kronii Clock: u/cantelopepan [r/Hololive]
ProtonDB: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton_(software)
Corsair iCue: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/s/downloads
CoolerControl: https://gitlab.com/coolercontrol/coolercontrol
CKB-Next: https://github.com/ckb-next/ckb-next
AHK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoHotkey
AHK_X11: https://github.com/phil294/AHK_X11
AHKX: https://github.com/tinku99/ahkx/tree/master
AutoKey: https://github.com/autokey/autokey
AutoKey WIKI: https://github.com/autokey/autokey/wiki
Hardware For Linux: https://linux-hardware.org/?view=computers
MakeUseOf: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-install-linux/
Arcolinux Discord: https://discord.gg/stBhS4taje
Arch Man: https://man.archlinux.org/
KDE Subreddit: r/KDE
Alternative To: https://alternativeto.net/
Cider: https://github.com/ciderapp/Cider
Arch User Repository [AUR]: https://aur.archlinux.org/
Music Sources:

Intro Music From: https://www.bensound.com/

Check out where I get my sweet BGM.

***This is a referral link: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/8p9une/

It will help me reduce my incoming invoices if you signup!

Kyochuu Rettou
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
Blood-C The Last Dark
D4DJ! First Mix
Seitokai Yakuindomo
Himouto! Umaru-chan
New Game!
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Demi-chan wa Kataritai
Asobi Asobase
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken

Is Linux Mint BETTER Than Windows?: youtu.be/499jqHWZ-Ts
Techquickie: youtube.com/@techquickie

Kratos Throws PC: https://twitter.com/corybarlog/status/996270400878215168?s=09
the fake cory balrog: https://twitter.com/corybarlog

Summer 2019 GPU Buyer’s Guide: youtu.be/cLQQP5NcNJY
Linus Tech Tips: youtube.com/@LinusTechTips


Using AutoHotkey To Create Media Keys Script [How-To]: youtu.be/GJV1bmxv-1E
HeathenHacks: youtube.com/@HeathenHacks

Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN: youtube.com/@OuroKronii

Kirin plays impossible Mario levels to try to get good in 2 days (Day 1): youtube.com/live/Puyd1d445IM
Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN: youtube.com/@CeresFauna

Ainsley’s Jerk Chicken – Ainsley’s Barbecue Bible – BBC Food: youtu.be/ZUJJdeByJa0
BBC Good Food: youtube.com/@BBCGoodFood

Sakura Miko Typing: youtube.com/@hololive
Miko Ch. さくらみこ: youtube.com/@SakuraMiko

[3D SHOWCASE] GURRRAAAAA 🐟 GuraTV: youtube.com/live/pYutA8gUu-E
Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN: youtube.com/@GawrGura
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by HeathenHacks

linux foundation

28 thoughts on “I Used LINUX For A Year And Never Looked Back [A Rabbithole That Is Worth Falling Into]

  • Correction: Anthony's name is Emily now. I apologize. I didn't know.

  • What are the names of the fonts you use in this system?

  • about MS Office, on my work i still use, because of the majority of the employees still use

    but, on my work PC i have turnet to opensuse, i use the Totvs Protheus ERP native smartclient, use MS Teams and MS Outlook on the PWA version (progressive webapp), and Microsoft 365 PWA too, without problems, on my free hours i'm an musician and use Bitwig 8-track as DAW for my studys, and musiscore for the sheets.

  • I love linux
    As a fedora kinoite (bazzite) user
    it runs fast,smoothly etc
    the only issue with fedora kinoite is openrazer will not work (It needs dkms and kinoite uses akmods) and some apps (Read only file system tho there are workarounds like copy the app directory for vencord to install and there is a command that unlocks it but on system reboot it will be reverted)

  • good vid but pls get rid of the cringy intro😭

  • I really love that theme you have going there

  • Ubuntu works… but I prefer Fedora 40 (wayland). It's more stable. 😂

  • I love linux. I use it all the time for headless servers. Unfortunately theres too many apps I need that dont work through wine or have a linux alternative so i cant use it for desktop.

    And before anyone suggests it, dual booting is a stupid solution too. I shouldn’t have to interrupt my workflow with dual booting.

    What if im doing something for work but I get half an hour of down time so I decide to play a match on fortnite? Should I close everything I'm doing, reboot my pc into windows, load fortnite for 30 minutes, reboot back to Linux, re open everything I had to close? Thats not a viable solution. Who's going to do that 5 or more times every week?

    Should I have two PCs next to each other so one can be Linux and one can be windows? Now im managing 2 pcs. No thanks.

  • Faced with having to learn the whole command terminal of such a niche system only 4% of the population uses it, and buying a Windows license to save yourself all of that crap, every normal human being is gonna choose the latter. And this is just not having to learn the command terminal, not mentioning the ugly, and so limited in comparison to exe programs software. I think the only chance of putting a dent in Microsoft's monopoly is gonna be a finally satisfying Android x86, Android for PC, cause PC Linux developers don't even recognize normal people have much more import things to do, than memorize the Linux terminal. It's called having a life. P. S. Add Wine, Bottles, etc to a finally decent Android x86 out of the box, and the sky's the limit! For such smart computer geeks, no wonder you folks trip on your very shoelaces.

  • Um Linus Tech Tips??? yea no uh huh, even with their conclusions , they are so wrong about a lot of things they said didn't work that I can make work, they just don't know how. don't set yaself up for failure Many people make this mistake and Linus Tech ips is no exception. Its also about getting the right Distro as well, cause one stability isn't equal always with each and every Linux Distro version. My main thing is stability and working well with all other hardware including video card, NVIDIA in my case It runs really great. I can even game.

  • For my distro of choice. I use Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia because it just works on a crappy HP stream 11. It has an intel celeron n4000 with 4gb ram and can do everything what i did on a windows pc. I mainly use it for education.

  • i cant switch to linux
    i want to play roblox
    roblox doesnt allow wine on linux
    john not happy

  • You may have already figured this out in the 11 months at this point, but a very easy way to keep your custom stuff backed up through your reinstalls and distro hopping would be to manually partition the drive(very carefully) and separate the /home directory. That way all your files in all the directories that are specific to your user, as well as all the cache stuff and the so-called "dotfiles" which live in the .config directory in /home will be there, untouched and after a fresh install you will log in to find everything where it should be, without having to back up everything manually and copying

  • The first time I made a genuine attempt to switch to Linux was back when Windows 7 was EoL'd. It didn't stick, but I learned a lot from that experience, mainly because for some reason I still don't understand, I did it on hard mode and STARTED with Arch. Not an Arch-based distro. Arch. It was fun and I learned a TON, but an attempt that was doomed to fail. Fast forward and I started getting into self-hosting and homelabbing and just by being immersed in that whole world I absorbed a lot of information and "muscle memory" for Linux. As of a couple of months ago I made the jump to Linux and the biggest difference this time is that I dread having to boot into my Windows partition for the couple of things that I can't do on Linux. I'm in love with Linux as a desktop operating system. Every time I use Windows I can feel Microsoft's utter contempt for me as a person. Windows is built around the principal of disrespecting its users' autonomy and property. Every time I boot it up there's some new dumbshit "feature" that installed/enabled itself that I have to go turn off. Some new nag pestering me into signing into a Windows account. And all the times that my computer woke itself up (WOKE ITSELF UP) to install updates and then it sits running and heating up my room or wakes me up because the screen turns on.

    So yeah, it feels like this is the final switch. My mindset is totally different this time.

    Fedora 40 and KDE 6.1
    Shit's bussin.

  • I've tried Linux every few years to see if it would install. Not yet.

  • Alternatives that you've mentioned as not existent:
    1. Lightroom – RawTherapee
    2. FL Studio – LMMS

  • I only used Audacity back in my school days, 15 years or so ago – and thought its name was AudioCity, since my english was probably just too bad to recognize it as a new word.

    Not sure why i comment this, but i felt like getting it out of the system.

  • not sure how "iCue" is considered the most important 😕
    Well, knowing linux to some degree, while i never used it as my daily driver, it often is a developement-environment tool of mine and already being aware of some of the challanges you face.
    And what it really boils down to, how userfriendly do you need/want the system to be.

  • Regarding backups and restoring to a previous config (and since it's arch you're running), you should check out btrfs and its' features if you haven't already!

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