IE 即將走入歷史!IE 是怎麼從瀏覽器王者,淪落成迷因主角?|志祺七七

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#IE #瀏覽器 #時代的眼淚
00:00 前導
01:10 IE的誕生
02:03 第一次瀏覽器大戰:勢不兩立
03:40 IE的獨霸年代
05:10 第二次瀏覽器大戰:異軍突起
06:18 IE的終局之戰
07:25 下一個瀏覽器之王
08:26 我們的觀點
09:14 提問
09:28 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→Browser wars:https://bit.ly/3clfbOZ
→History of Internet Explorer:https://bit.ly/33Os0Ob
→Road to Mac OS X Leopard: Safari 3.0:https://bit.ly/32TlJkI
→Apple’s Safari browser turns 13 years old today:https://bit.ly/2ZYe8iW
→Internet Explorer for Mac:https://bit.ly/3kDBUbZ
→History of Safari:https://bit.ly/33SdRiG
→10 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Opera Browser Right Now:https://bit.ly/32RCbSN
→How we got from 1 to 162 million websites on the internet:https://bit.ly/2ZYEIc5
→Tales from the Browser wars: Mozilla stomps Internet Explorer:https://bit.ly/32Q3dK3
→How Chrome Won The War of The Browsers [Infographic]:https://bit.ly/3mGBgMT
→Why is internet explorer so slow?:https://bit.ly/361mytR
→告別 IE 瀏覽器前奏響起,Microsoft 365 明年停止支援 Internet Explorer 11:https://bit.ly/3hULQfz
→準備走入歷史,微軟確認今年11月底開始終止支援Internet Explorer 11瀏覽器:https://bit.ly/3iTBZYK
→【果言科技】 Netscape :曾經的瀏覽器霸主,是如何衰落的?:https://bit.ly/35YgqCw
→Opera 浏览器对比 Chrome、火狐、IE 等优势何在?:https://bit.ly/35VFjif
→瀏覽器之戰:目前 Chrome 統治整個網路世界:https://bit.ly/3mF98tn
→為了保護私隱,上網該用 IE、Firefox?:https://bit.ly/2RKVUxb
→瀏覽器性能大比拚!結果 Chrome 只贏一場、冠軍出乎意料:https://bit.ly/35YQ8QU
→How Microsoft lost the Browser Wars :https://bit.ly/2ZW6DcE

【 延伸閱讀 】

→工程師自爆:為讓 Internet Explorer 6 衰退,YouTube 前員工動手腳:https://bit.ly/2FT2Khj





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