IGEL Weekly: How to Restrict Firefox to a List of Designated URLs?

One of my favorite parts about the IGEL Community and any community is people helping people. Someone asks a question, maybe not even relating to IGEL itself but an associated technology. Many fine folks jump in to give their suggestions. Recently I saw just this in the IGEL Community, and the solution is so fantastic and helpful; I wanted to share it with all of you! 

Joseph Masone, asked the question: 

“Aside from modifying hosts files, is there a way to allow only a list of URLs we designate via the Firefox browser? We tried setting up a local HTTP proxy. However, that can be bypassed by simply typing HTTPS in the URL. We also tried restricting all the navigation menus/toolbars; however, one of the sites we need to allow access to has links that can leverage to access other unwanted sites.”

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Patrick Toner


by XenTegra

linux dns server