Illinois Community College Falls Short
An Illinois Community College has been promoting itself as a “Cisco Networking Academy” and promising students interested in a high-paying, high demand job the “Cisco Networking Academy Experience” but not delivering on the promise. The students are not told that they are not getting what they signed up for.
cisco academie
good to know
students cant assume colleges care
is this bait and switch?
forget college, go to trade school
which community college is this?
Is this fraud somehow?
parents can't assume colleges care
how can they get away with this?
does the college president know?
ummm … which college?
used to be able to depend on colleges
so, promising a product and not delivering?
is there another side to the story?
How long has this been going on?
nice to be aware of
Why would a college promise something they can't do?
This is in Illinois?
Does the administration care?
is this a new problem?
I did not know that
isn't this wrong somehow?
what's the old saaying? caveat emptor
does the schol administration know?