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I'm now a master at kubernetes

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by Web Dev Cody

linux web server

24 thoughts on “I'm now a master at kubernetes

  • I don't like the contrast between the dark and white background in this video

  • hey, you said you mastered go can i ask what did you do and some sources you recc

  • you know k8s is not for indie dev when you need to do a drawing to explain how to deploy a single binary file

  • I am master at Kubernetes….proceeds to use a managed solution 😂

  • Great job learning all of this in such a small amount of time! You got some concepts mixed here and there but nothing that would stop you running your workloads. As you will get more exposed to k8s you will learn all those details and best practices just in time as you need them 😊

  • Cody, if you hit any obstacles or want anything explaining within K8S, then please reach out.
    I have got great value from your videos over the last 18months, and would be happy to return the favour with a technology that I am certified on.

  • Just a tip for future projects. You should generally avoid stateful servers and instead use a designated db for your state. This will make your scaling as easy as increasing the Replica count

  • Hi Cody, nice introduction to kubernetes. If you want to delve into automating your app updates I made a video a while back covering continuous deployment and automated ssl certs in kubernetes. Video link:
    FYI it does cover deploying a java app but the concepts can be applied to any kind of app. 
    Thought I'd share if anyone wants to explore that area further, you can delete this comment if it's not appropriate.

  • If you want to make your docker image even smaller, you can use a distroless rather than an alpine image to copy your go binary there. It's also more secure.

  • Clickbait title. No one master kubernetes lol. But seriously good job!

  • 16:30 you could have added a reddis instance to the cluster and then hit it with go, this way you can have multiple go instances running at the same time, but it falls apart at this point because you would no longer have to scale the go instances horizontally as they're not the critical point anymore ig

  • Loved this level of overview. Thanks for sharing.
    Coming from Docker Compose this managed Kubernetes approach looks reasonable. I'd love to see a follow up if you configure a database or media storage with this.

  • you can configure your load balancer to use ip_hash that way the load balancer always send the user back to the server they hit originally

  • Title "I'm a master at kunernetes".
    Video literary at 40sec "I'm not a master at kubernetes"

  • Great stuff on learning Kubernetes! Just want to elaborate that currently, your application is "stateful". Meaning that your application will have a state (the keys that are being stored in memory). This is the reason that replicating to two or more pods will result in different responses (since the containers will not know each others state).

    Generally, you want your applications inside Kubernetes to be "stateless". Stateless applications are easy to scale up and down since you do not have to worry about losing data inside the container. Replicating stateful applications is possible but require a bit more setup (writing the state to an external resource, using PersistentVolumes, Operators etc.)

  • Last week you mastered Go, now Kubernetes. This is exciting, next week you'll rebuild Google search engine? Love the videos as always.

  • Funny, I also am taking course on GKE at the moment. As of my understanding, having more than 1 replica is not hard requirement for having no downtime during update. With maxSurge, we can define how many additional pods there can be during deployment, so the new pod can be created before the old pod is rolled out.

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