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Industrial-scale Web Scraping with AI & Proxy Networks

Learn advanced web scraping techniques with Puppeteer and BrightData’s scraping browser. We collect ecommerce data from sites like Amazon then analyze that data with ChatGPT.

#javascript #datascience #chatgpt

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Puppeteer Docs


by Beyond Fireship

linux web server

21 thoughts on “Industrial-scale Web Scraping with AI & Proxy Networks

  • Next Topic: How to protect your website from being scraped.

  • Can somebody please explain the pricing of bright data how do they cost you for scrapping?

  • I have build hundreds of scrapers in both VBA and Python using Selenium. Everything can be done, this video it's just an ad for one of those hundreds of this kind of service providers.

  • I’ve gotten good with scraping but am not sure how to really make money from it? I freelance and when I’m lucky ill get a scraping gig, but yeah. Are finding freelance gigs the only way to make money scraping?

  • I am there any of you who make these basically useless crawlers in youtube, that he is not going to promote this expensive stupid service "bright data"?

  • Nice tutorial, but there are AI tools now like Kadoa that can do all of this for you. In the time it takes for you to watch this video, you can get an AI scraper up and running.

  • Thanks for making this video. I am actually working on a project where the users can add amazon products and look for price changes and also get notified with price changes. My objective was to learn web scraping.

  • I feel like a gangsta…finding ways around data collection for my business.

  • i guess jungle scout or other product hunting tools work in same way

  • Do you have a code where I can scrape ecom websites like shopify stores only and not other websites that is not shopify? I have a software where I can test and check the websites if they are alive or not. So I can use that if they are still on the market. Hope you can help

  • Thanks for alerting me to Puppeteer so I can block it. Content theft is despicable.

  • You forgot a very important fact: tools like Puppeteer or Playwright can work perfectly on a local development environment but make it work on production, on an actual server, can be an absolute nightmare. 😠

  • Thank you for teaching me puppeteer and bright data, beats all content on internet

  • have this
    issue – SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

  • If I keep rotating proxy while scraping, is it 100% guaranteed my ip will not get blocked?

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