Instalar Rstudio en Ubuntu
In addition to our open-source data science software, RStudio produces RStudio Team, a unique, modular platform of enterprise-ready professional software products that enable teams to adopt R, Python, and other open-source data science software at scale.
Code-friendly: Real world data science problems are complex, and not easily solved with black box solutions. Code is vital for communication and reuse.
Mitigate Vendor Dependency: Unlike the exclusively proprietary software sold by traditional scientific and technical computing companies, RStudio provides core productivity tools, packages, protocols and file formats as open-source software so that customers aren’t overly dependent on a single vendor.
Modular Platform for impactful data science: Unlike monolithic data science platforms that require a massive investment up front in licensing costs and process changes before any real value is delivered, we provide a modular platform for open source data science.
Widely adopted: Because our open source software is already in widespread use by millions of users, many data science teams can start using it with little to no specialized training.
Scalable, enterprise-friendly and production-ready: Unlike fragmented open source tooling that can be difficult to scale and maintain, our modular platform can scale to large numbers of users and large amounts of data, and integrate into existing enterprise systems, platforms, standards and processes.
● Zatiel
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sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/rrutter4.0
sudo apt-get update
NOTA: en el video agrego el repositorio 3.5 pero en la descripcion ya se actualizo y se arreglaron algunos errores por lo cual es mejor la vercion 4.0, totalmente probado y funcionando
sudo apt install r-base
sudo apt install r-cran-tidyverse r-cran-bitops r-cran-catools texlive texlive-latex-extra
IMPORTANTE descargar la version Ubuntu 18/Debian 10 (Link directo aqui)
Prueba de que todo funciona perfectamente bien:
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◣Setup Zatiel Full Specs◥
● Display: LG 25UM58-P (Ultrawide) ♡
● Headphones: Skullcandy SUPER BASS 011BT ♡
● Motherboard: ROG STRIX B450-F Gaming Socket Am4 ♡
● RYZEN 3800X ♡
● HP SSD EX900 M.2 250GB ♡
● Mousepad Gamer XL Redlemon 80×40 cm ♡
● Teclado Vorago K-502
● Laptop: Lenovo Z40-70
● CPU: Intel i3-4005U 1.7GHz – 3MB Cache
● GPU; Intel HD Graphics 4400
● Ram: 12GB DDR3L – 1600
● Mouse. Corsair Harpon RGB PRO
● Camara: Logitech C920 Pro HD
● Iluminación: Aro De Luz 64 Led + Tripie
● Mando: AFTERGLOW Wired XBOX 360 Blue