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Instalasi Dan Aktivasi WinGate Proxy Server Di Windows Server 2019

Selamat datang di onta channel.

Instalasi dan aktivasi wingate proxy server di windows server 2019.
WinGate adalah aplikasi proxy server yang sangat bagus dan untuk konfigurasinya juga sangat mudah.
Versi Wingate yang saya instal yaitu wingate versi 9.1 dan bisa diinstal pada OS windows server maupun windows 10.

Video terkait wingate :

1. Synchronize WinGate Proxy Server With Windows Active Directory

2. Install WinGate Proxy Server Di Windows Server 2019

3. Configure WinGate Proxy Server On Windows Server 2019

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Terima kasih banyak.


by Onta Channel

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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