Install Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DS) on Windows Server 2022 Core
In this demonstration, we install Active Directory Domain Controller (AD-DS) in a Windows Server Core 2022. During preparation, we also change Network Adaptor Settings to Static, set up NIC, and update the date and time. For the demo on how to set up the server admin account, update Windows Server Core, and change the computer name, please watch:
PowerShell Cmdlets:
Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services –IncludeManagementTools -Verbose
Get-Command -Module ADDSDeployment
-Fix the Fail to release DHCP:
-Initial configs:
-Microsoft Windows playlist:
0:00 – Introduction
0:36 – Network Settings*
*Note: Failing to release the DHCP lease is the reason why the IP was not updated. In this situation, a simple reboot will not fix the issue. This is how you fix it:
6:00 – Date and Time
8:08 – Installing AD-DS
Track: Gajaga Wannama (EDM Remix) – Yaxer
Co-producer and technical advisor:
Manuja Senanayake
#windowsserver2022 #ADDS #domaincontroller
windows server
⚠Failing to release the DHCP lease is the reason why the IP was not updated. This is a bug in the new Windows Server 2022 Core that will probably get resolved later by an update. In this situation, a simple reboot will not fix the issue. There is a workaround explained in my follow-up video here: