Install and Configure BIND9 DNS server on Oracle Linux 9 – Step by Step

Hi Everyone,

This video shows you how to install and configure BIND DNS server over Oracle Linux 9,

Github Doc: https://t.ly/In46

00:00 Introduction
00:36 Github Documentation Repo
02:05 Check Oracle Linux 9 Hostname & Static IP
03:49 Install Bind9 and Bind-chroot packages
05:03 Configure named by edit named.conf
07:50 Create Two Zones Forward and Backward Zones
10:11 Create a Forward Zone File in /var/named
12:19 Create Backward or Reverse Zone in /var/named
13:42 Validate the named.conf and zone files.
15:07 Start and Enable named-chroot Jailed Environement.
17:13 Allow DNS through the Firewall
18:41 Pud DNS in action and test usning nslookup
19:53 Reach DNS from Windows Server 2022
21:02 Add DNS record for Windows server 2022
24:15 Stop Start DNS server

#bind9 #dns #dnsserver


by ICyb3r

linux dns configuration

2 thoughts on “Install and Configure BIND9 DNS server on Oracle Linux 9 – Step by Step

  • Hello ICyb3r, thanks a lot for the video, it helped me so much in my case, it worked for me very well, but I have a question. What file or configuration will I need for another DNS, I need to configure a second DNS fully synchronize with this, could you help me, please?

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