Install BookStack – Documentation/Wiki Platform – on Linux

#BookStack #Wiki #Linux

Full steps can be found at https://i12bretro.github.io/tutorials/0919.html

What is BookStack?
BookStack is an opinionated wiki system that provides a pleasant and simple out-of-the-box experience. New users to an instance should find the experience intuitive and only basic word-processing skills should be required to get involved in creating content on BookStack. The platform should provide advanced power features to those that desire it but they should not interfere with the core simple user experience. – https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack
   01. Log into the Linux device
   02. Run the following commands in a terminal window:
         # update software respositories
         sudo apt update
         # install available software updates
         sudo apt upgrade -y
         # install prerequisites
         sudo apt install git openssl curl wget zip composer -y
         # install Apache HTTPD and MySQL
         sudo apt install apache2 mariadb-server mariadb-client -y
         # install PHP components
         sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-curl php-tokenizer php-ldap php-cli php-json php-gd php-mbstring php-mysql php-xml php-zip php-bcmath -y
         # configure the MySQL database
         sudo su
   03. Press Enter to login as root
   04. Type Y and press Enter to set a root password, type the password twice to confirm
   05. Type Y and press Enter to remove anonymous users
   06. Type Y and press Enter to disallow root login remotely
   07. Type Y and press Enter to remove the test database
   08. Type Y and press Enter to reload privilege tables
   09. Run the following command to login into MySQL:
         mysql -u root -p
   10. Authenticate with the root password set earlier
   11. Run the following commands to create the BookStack database and database user
         CREATE DATABASE bookstack;
         GRANT ALL ON bookstack.* to ‘bookstack_rw’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘B00k$t@ck!’;
   12. Continue with the following commands:
         # clone bookstack from github
         sudo git clone https://github.com/BookStackApp/BookStack.git –branch release –single-branch /var/www/bookstack
         # create a copy of the sample .env file
         sudo cp /var/www/bookstack/.env.example /var/www/bookstack/.env
         # edit the .env file
         sudo nano /var/www/bookstack/.env
   13. Edit the following environment variables as needed
   14. Press CTRL+O, Enter, CTRL+X to write the changes to .env
   15. Continue with the following commands:
         # set the owner of the bookstack directory
         sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/bookstack
         # setup composer working directory
         sudo mkdir /var/www/.composer
         sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/.composer
         cd /var/www/bookstack
         # install dependencies with composer
         sudo -u www-data composer install –no-dev –no-plugins
         # generate app key
         sudo php artisan key:generate –no-interaction –force
         # migrate the database
         sudo php artisan migrate –no-interaction –force
         # create bookstack apache configuration
         sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/bookstack.conf
   16. Paste the following configuration into bookstack.conf
         Alias /bookstack “/var/www/bookstack/public”
         ≪Directory /var/www/bookstack/public≫
         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
         AllowOverride None
         Require all granted
         ≪IfModule mod_rewrite.c≫
         ≪IfModule mod_negotiation.c≫
         Options -MultiViews -Indexes
         RewriteEngine On
         # Handle Authorization Header
         RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
         RewriteRule .* – [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
         # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder…
         RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

….Full steps can be found on GitHub [link at the top]

### Connect with me and others ###
★ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EzenvmSHW8
★ Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/i12bretro
★ Twitter: https://twitter.com/i12bretro


by i12bretro

linux dns server