Install CentOS 7 In VirtualBox On Windows 10

Hi guys. Mimz here and welcome back! In todays video, I will create a Linux CentOS virtual machine in VirtualBox which is installed on my windows 10 computer.
As I go through another certification prep course, I am testing on a Debian distribution and a Red Hat distribution. So, join me and lets install my virtual study environment!

Steps and Links:

VirtualBox is a free software by Oracle. It works on windows, macOS and Linux – so as long as your device meets the standard requirements, you are free to use it.

How To Create A Virtual Machine In VirtualBox:
1. Click New and name the VM
2. Select the VM type and version you want to install, click next.
3. Select memory size for VM, click next.
4. Choose to create a virtual hard disk now or to create from an existing one, click create.
5. Now you will see the VM in VirtualBox, powered off.

How To Mount And Boot To An ISO:
1. Download the image file – I downloaded CentOS 7 – The versions always update and change, so here is the link to download the latest version.
2. Start VM
3. Go to devices, optical drives, choose a disk image
4. Select the iso and mount it
5. Reboot VM, this will boot to the iso
6. Follow the wizard to setup and install

Hope you enjoyed this video – more tutorials to come!

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Music by zapsplat


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