Install Figma on Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Elementary) | 2023

In this quick tutorial, I will review an amazing email client, MailSpring for Linux. You will learn how to install and set up it in any Linux distribution.

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‣ https://linuxh2o.com/how-to-install-figma-on-linux-2020/

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#Figma #Ubuntu #Linux


by LinuxH2O

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20 thoughts on “Install Figma on Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Elementary) | 2023

  • which linux distro are you using. its very cool can you please provide me details of this with the theme that you have applied

  • Hello is linux safer(for files like photos and videos in disk) than a cracked windows can i use linux primarily ? Which one are you using in the video

  • It supports custom fonts from the system?

  • I can't open it on voidlinux with .appimage version, can you help me? the app always close itself

  • Help sir, why in my figma-linux app i can't manage my plugin there manage plugin menu is disabled (i have use any method like using snap package or deb package ..)

  • -Linux tutorial
    -Most People who commented have default pfps
    -Teaches you in just less than 5 minutes
    -Indian Accent
    *likes the video*

  • sir your laptop model name and specification's ?

  • How reliable is figma-linux? On Github, it has only 1 major contributor (others have made minor contributions), so lack of support can be an issue

  • love the theme you are using for the icons and top panel. What is it?

  • how did you opened by just typing in middle of screen?

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