Install Figma on Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Elementary) | 2023
In this quick tutorial, I will review an amazing email client, MailSpring for Linux. You will learn how to install and set up it in any Linux distribution.
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#Figma #Ubuntu #Linux
by LinuxH2O
linux download
How did you get the thor wallpaper?? please tell me
which linux distro are you using. its very cool can you please provide me details of this with the theme that you have applied
Great! Thank you!
Thanks !!
Hello is linux safer(for files like photos and videos in disk) than a cracked windows can i use linux primarily ? Which one are you using in the video
It supports custom fonts from the system?
how to login to the Desktop version on linux…. just opens it into browser…. so what ??
btw i use Arch
I can't open it on voidlinux with .appimage version, can you help me? the app always close itself
Help sir, why in my figma-linux app i can't manage my plugin there manage plugin menu is disabled (i have use any method like using snap package or deb package ..)
Linux VM on a Linux Machine 🧐🧐🧐
-Linux tutorial
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-Teaches you in just less than 5 minutes
-Indian Accent
*likes the video*
sir your laptop model name and specification's ?
How reliable is figma-linux? On Github, it has only 1 major contributor (others have made minor contributions), so lack of support can be an issue
love the theme you are using for the icons and top panel. What is it?
how did you opened by just typing in middle of screen?
Does it work without an Internet conection?
Thanks man