Install iRedMail Email Server on Debian/Ubuntu
#iRedMail #Linux #EmailServer
Full steps can be found at
01. Log into the Debian/Ubuntu device
02. Run the following commands in terminal to install and configure iRedMail
# set/verify the hostname
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname nettools.i12bretro.local
# update software repositories
sudo apt update
# install available software updates
sudo apt upgrade
# install prerequisites
sudo apt install gzip
# download iRedMail install scripts
# extract the archive
sudo tar zxf ./1.3.2.tar.gz
cd ./iRedMail*
# make the install script executable
sudo chmod +x ./
# run the install script
sudo ./
03. At the Welcome to iRedMail screen, select Yes ≫ Press Enter
04. Enter the default /var/vmail/ for the location to store mailboxes ≫ Press Enter
05. On the Backend selection screen, arrow down to MySQL ≫ Press spacebar to select it ≫ Press Enter
06. Enter the email domain name to be used ≫ Press Enter
07. Enter a password for the mail administrator ≫ Press Enter
08. Arrow down and select the optional components to install by press spacebar ≫ Pres Enter
09. Review the installation summary ≫ Type Y to accept ≫ Press Enter
10. Wait for the installation to complete
11. Once completed, the optional software will be available at the following URLs
Roundcube webmail: https://DNSorIP/mail/
SOGo Groupware: https://DNSorIP/SOGo
Web admin panel (iRedAdmin): https://DNSorIP/iredadmin/
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by i12bretro
linux smtp server
hello i have created an email server iredmail and i tested the email i sent in the queue and no email was received , can you explain why?
thank you for this video .how limit can i send per day and per hour ?