Install Linux on PCs and Laptops – ISO Download – Please See Fix In Pinned Comment

#technology #tech #how #linux #laptop #pc #computer #howto #tutorial #debian

This video covers installing the Debian Live ISO file which allows us to try Linux before installing and it also provides a more streamlined install procedure. Further information is in the pinned comment.

Linux On PCs & Laptops Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuCbba_UxUz6MTUz2KGSW8oso-peo6wF_

Installing Linux On PCs and Laptops (Companion Book): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D36DRMXJ/
ISBN: 9798324643768


0:00 Intro
0:25 Download Live ISO
1:41 Companion Book
1:50 Outro

Another step closer to installing Linux!


by Ruth Ake

linux download

4 thoughts on “Install Linux on PCs and Laptops – ISO Download – Please See Fix In Pinned Comment

  • UPDATE (07/30/2024) – Install Fix – Recommended Version

    Please use Debian 12.2.0 because there is an issue with 12.6.0:
    Scroll down to the list of live images and click debian-live-12.2.0-amd64-lxde.iso (the download is about 3 GB).


    As of 07/30/2024, using the current live iso, Debian 12.6.0 (debian-live-12.6.0-amd64-lxde.iso), will fail to install Linux.
    The error message is: "Command <i>/usr/sbin/bootloader-config</i> failed to finish in 600 seconds. There was no output from the command."
    Bug report (Same issue, different desktop, different day):
    How does this make it through Debian/Calamares quality assurance and into publication? Only Debian knows for sure.

    Good news! Debian uses a best practice of archiving earlier versions which are readily available from their website:


    Download Debian Live ISO:

    1. Go to the Debian website: debian.org
    2. UNDER the big Download button, click Other downloads
    3. Click either amd64 link (if the amd64 BitTorrent download doesn't work, then use the other amd64 download)
    4. Scroll down to the list of live images and click the debian-live file ending in lxde.iso (the download is about 3 GB)
    Other desktops are available from this list. My videos will focus on the LXDE desktop.

    The live ISO allows us to try Debian Linux before installing, and it also gives us a more streamlined install procedure. The live ISO and a USB stick can be used as a portable Linux system as well as a backup and recovery system. I will show how to create those in future videos!


    Questions are welcome and encouraged. Due to the design of YouTube's comment section, posting questions under the pinned comment or under another user's comment makes it difficult for me to find and answer questions. Please do not post your questions under the pinned comment or under other user's questions. Please create a new comment.

  • oh the nightmares of installing linux with a "winmodem" having to recompile the kernel, wait for hours and finally not getting it to work, are coming back so vividly 🫠

  • I'm a sys admin with 14 years of IT experience. I saw this video pop up on my suggested feed and thought I'd check it out. Linux can certainly be intimidating for people to get into. This video seems to break things down in a straight forward manner for people looking to get started. I hope that people find this playlist and get the assistance they are looking for.

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