Install motionEye on Linux Ubuntu Using Docker
This video could (should?) be about 2 minutes long. However, it is primarily for “Future Greg” in order to save him time a year from now, when it’s time to change the setup. If you find it useful too, that’s great 🙂
*** Note1: I kept referring to Arduino cam but meant Raspberry Pi camera module.
*** Note2: If you are just here for docker, the install instructions start at 5:19
Resources and prep:
– Linux installed on X86 computer (not on an RPI)
– Docker installed on Linux
– Cameras:
RPI Zero W with Cam: LTT has a great tutorial with parts list for RPi
1) Download and install docker image
docker pull ccrisan/motioneye:master-amd64
2) Run container
docker run –name=”motioneye”
-p 8765:8765
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
-v /etc/motioneye:/etc/motioneye
-v /var/lib/motioneye:/var/lib/motioneye
docker stop //to stop the container
docker start //to start the container
How did you get the serverbox?
Argh… I'm encountering an issue with /var/lib/motioneye as a "read only system".
I tried playing with the permissions and creating that directory and it doesn't seem to work.
I was told that I may be an ubuntu docker bug (22.04 lts server with docker snap during initial install) so I'll try again with the official docker-ce stuff. :-/
I am excited to try this!
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for.
you saved my time too as well