Install Windows 11 with just your phone
In this video I’m showing you what to do if you need to install Windows 10 (or Windows 11) but don’t have access to another PC or laptop. If you’ve just built yourself a new gaming PC and don’t have access to a spare machine for downloading the Windows installation media this can be a real pain. But there is actually a solution which means you can use your Android phone instead of a PC. It unfortunately means you have to spend a little bit more money, but it’s not a massive cost and it’s certainly easier than trying to source a new PC.
Here I’m showing you the steps for installing Windows 11 with just your phone and a USB adapter or alternatively with an SD card (yes that’s an option too which is nuts). I’ve done this because people kept asking what they could do and I wanted to show it was possible.
You will need to Download Windows 11 Disk Image (ISO) for x64 devices from here
You will also need this ISO2USB app –
The app is free but you’ll have to pay a small amount for coins in order to install the ISO file on your USB Stick.
You’ll also need both a USB thumb drive that’s at least 6GB in size and an OTG adapter. Or alternatively you can use an SD card and the Anker adapter I showed in this video.
The process is then fairly straightforward, you just need to download and installed the ISO file using the app to your USB drive. It will take quite some time to do unfortunately, but once it’s complete, plug it into your PC and begin the installation process for Windows.
Once the first pass has completed and your PC restarts, remove the dongle and let the installation run on your PC. Then connect to the internet and finish with all the updates.
If you get stuck it might be because you are running more than one drive in your system. To avoid problems go into your BIOS by mashing F2 or DEL on your keyboard when you’ve restarted your PC. Then in your BIOS look for the settings for boot priority. Check that the thumb drive is the 1st priority and everything else is disabled.
Please note links listed here include affiliate links which may earn me a commission. Find out more below.*
Anker SD card adapter:
Amazon US –
NewEgg –
Amazon UK –
Amazon FR –
Amazon IT –
Amazon DE –
Amazon CA –
OTG Adapter
Amazon US –
NewEgg –
Amazon UK –
Amazon FR –
Amazon IT –
Amazon DE –
Amazon CA –
OR use a USB-C portable drive:
Amazon US –
Amazon UK –
Amazon FR –
Amazon IT –
Amazon DE –
Amazon CA –
In this video, we’ll show you how to easily install Windows 11 on your phone using just your phone!
With this simple guide, you can install Windows 11 on your phone in just a few minutes, no computer necessary! This will be a great way to learn how to use Windows 11, or to upgrade your current Windows 10 installation.
🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Aaron Yarden, Space Cannons, Riggs79, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, Charles Latrom, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise and Megan Schafer.
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Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions.
windows server
"No enogh coins" 💀
I tried doing this but my PC doesn't wanna read the usb and will not start until i remove the usb first
That app is trash imo
EtchDroid (from Play Store) is infinitely better
You probably could just install a linux terminal and use dd to do it and you would need no coins
I'm out with my Rufus on my pocket
Why in gods name would we want to install windows on our phones?
I downloaded this app but once you have to do in app purchase for coins.
Make it details ps
use etch droid instead of watchimg ads
Thats on yr pc
Even if it costs 2 coins, I'm not paying anything. Are you kidding me? Why would I when there's plenty of free options?
Just watch ads and get free coins
Or just use your phone as a usb
Na verdade, isso é um adaptador OTG
Etchdroid is best for flash
I use etchdroid, it is on the f-droid store and is 100% free
How much are the coins?
It is iso file iso files it for Linux mint
windows which version pro or enterprice
there's an opensource app and free to use without adds or coin. it called EtchDroid. I use it for install linux so maybe it could work for wi dows
You have been a great help, in helping me build a PC. I appreciate you👍🏻🔥😀
Video molto chiaro. Grazie. Iscritto con piacere!
Buona giornata
google pixel
Thank you dude, you're a good technological.
Why wont you just use rufus on your pc and make it a bootable you need to format your usb tho, and plug it in to bios buy i didint try it myself but i do see my dad doing it.
Did you watch ad to get free coins or you bought them
I tried with windows 11 iso and it didn't work. Windows 10 did the trick. Thanks for the tip!
imagine if someone is in emergency 😂for installing windows back in pc/laptop and he getting problem of coins 😂 that's why i always scared
wow the english and the grammar on the app is insane
“No Enogh Coins.”
Just use another iso imager, there are free ones
People complaining about coins are forgetting the true power of android, which literally finding any app mod just by a simple search.
Why is msi tape
Very much useful 🎉