Install Windows over existing Ubuntu Linux in Dual Boot mode using boot repair

The process of how to install Windows 10 over existing Linux Ubuntu operating system in dual boot mode. This video is useful for users who have existing Ubuntu Linux operating system on their computer. Generally, Linux operating system are installed over Windows in dual boot mode. But, if windows Operating System is installed over Ubuntu or other Linux operating system, the Linux operating system seems to be lost and only windows is accessible. Users can follow instructions in this video to install Windows over their existing Linux Ubuntu operating system without losing the existing Ubuntu Operating system.
The user can install windows over ubuntu Linux operating system and repair the GRUB boot loader over written by Windows boot loader using boot-repair utility, thus, recovering GRUB boot loader and use windows and ubuntu as per their requirement as host systems in dual boot mode.
To create Ubuntu and Windows bootable Flash drive, check out the video links given below.

Copy the commands used in video:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt update
sudo apt install boot-repair
sudo reboot now

Source: https://www.techsolveprac.com/install-windows-after-ubuntu-dual/

Useful Links used in video:
Create Ubuntu Bootable Flash Drive on existing Ubuntu: https://youtu.be/0snMsHGuTQ8
Create Windows Bootable Flash Drive on Ubuntu: https://youtu.be/tQnjw_bcT3g

Hastags: #windows10 #dualboot #gruberror

# Turn On Captions for on-screen instructions #

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