Installation and First Look of Ubuntu 22.10

In this video, I’m going to do an installation and first look of the recently released Ubuntu 22.10, codenamed “Kinetic Kudu”. What’s new in this release? And is it worth it to upgrade if you are running 22.04?

► https://ubuntu.com/

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34 thoughts on “Installation and First Look of Ubuntu 22.10

  • Is this version of Ubuntu compatible with intel i7-2670qm processor? Is it possible to disable discrete video card broken and enable only integrated video graphics?

  • I just watched you say that DDE is a good windows manager, lol. You expect me to trust on anything now? It has fewer customizations than Gnome 43, lol.

  • cheese had a black screen and did not show screen co-ordinates and does not run.

  • i have installed ubuntu 22.10 but there is no volume down and boost option in the menu. how I'll fix this problem??

  • Are you sure Firefox being shipped as a snap is Mozilla's decision? That's news for me. I used to think Canonical does that to force snaps (which Canonical is developing) on the user… I usually use the Mozilla ppa and settle with firefox-esr on my Ubuntu-based (but snapless) systems.

  • Using generic name isn't an Ubuntu thing, it's a GNOME thing. Basically, all programs that joined the GNOME project officially have to change their name to generic names at some point; and new GNOME projects aren't going to have these internal codenames.

    That's why Firefox and LibreOffice have their branded names, but Nautilus and Totem don't. The former two aren't part of GNOME project, as the GNOME's web browser project is the GNOME Web, a.k.a. Epiphany. Canonical replaced Epiphany with Firefox in their Ubuntu distro, and they added LibreOffice as the GNOME project doesn't really have a first party office suite.

    The use of generic names is actually quite appropriate for GNOME, because from GNOME's perspective these are "first party" software. They actually standardized this use of generic name across all GNOME desktops. In other words, their former names are really only provided as backward compatible aliases.

    As to your point about starting programs from the terminal, these have actually been renamed too. As part of the GNOME experience, you're actually supposed to use the name "gnome-text-editor", etc instead of "gedit" from the terminal. GNOME users don't have to know the internal project codenames, "gedit", "totem", etc these names in the terminal have only been provided for backwards compatibility purpose. In other words, unlike what you've said "Totem" is no longer the real name of this program; they're now just a former name.

    (Of course, us old time terminal users are used to the branded name, and they're shorter to type as well, so they're easier to use in the terminal; and sometimes like in the case of Totem, you're seeing things in the middle of transition, as its executable name hasn't been renamed yet).

    I think this use of generic names are actually quite sensible. Just as basic system utilities like `ls` have generic names because they standard utilities, we don't call them `coreutils-ls` or `bsd-ls` or `busybox-ls`. It's just `ls`. There's no reason the same reasoning didn't apply to GUI applications.

  • Thank you for this. I'm about to buy a new laptop and plan to install Ubuntu 22.10 (instead of Windoze 11).
    Your video convinced me to go with this version.

  • Ubuntu using ZFS thats pretty cool hope it makes its way to other distros now

  • Never install vim(1), so I don't mind that.
    Use of htop is nice, I usually try if htop(1) or top(1) is installed. So yes, I would prefer htop(1) rather then vim(1).

    I remove snap(8) because of I don't want to wait for Firefox snap edition forever to start. I prefere apt(1) version any day in the week.

    About dark or light mode, light mode is better for your sight then dark mode, especially when you get older and your sight doesn't compensate for the bad dark mode.

  • I switched over to Linux a year ago and used Wine to run FL Studio and it was a terrible experience

  • DT it is not only companies that can get Ubuntu pro, anyone can get it for free now, for 5 PCs.

  • Since Ubuntu is probably one of the most used distros how about a deeper dive? People are upset about some kind of plug for a pro ubuntu? Also how does the new audio work? Is is more effecient and better quality? Does it run games better?

  • don't forget there is gaming performance uplift going from kernel 5.15 to greater than 5.17 – so can be worth it for gamers [phoronix did some testing some months ago – with ubuntu]

  • I use LTS for all installs with no desktops (ie servers) but always love to use the latest for desktops. This release, with the upgraded Gnome, is well worth it.

  • Dtos is missing from repo
    And after cloning repo it asks uid ans pwsd?

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