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Installing Free Filezilla FTP Server with LDAP Authentication

#FileZilla #FTP #LDAP #ActiveDirectory

Full steps can be found at

Installing FileZilla Server
   01. Download FileZilla with LDAP support, FzLDAP
   02. Install the downloaded executable
   03. Launch FileZilla Server Administration
   04. Select Edit ≫ Settings from the top navigation
   05. Click LDAP from the left navigation
   06. Check the Enable LDAP support box
   07. Fill out the LDAP server, port and domain name
   08. Click OK
Adding Individual LDAP Users
   01. Back in Server Administration click Edit ≫ Users
   02. Click the Add button under Users
   03. Enter the username exactly as it is in LDAP
   04. Leave the Password checkbox unchecked
   05. Under the Check password in section uncheck LOCAL and check the LDAP option
   06. Click Shared folders under the Page section
   07. Click the Add button and browse to folder(s) to share with the new user
   08. Set the users permissions to the right of the directories box
   09. Click OK once finish with configuration.
Batch Importing LDAP Users
   01. From the Start menu launch FzLDAP Import
   02. Fill out the LDAP server information
         Server: i12bretro.local
         Port: 389
         Domain: i12bretro.local
         User: readonly_svc
         Password: Read0nly!!
         Base DN: DC=i12bretro,DC=local
         Search DN: CN=Users,DC=i12bretro,DC=local
         Search: cn=*
   03. A list of users found with the LDAP search will display ≫ Click Next
   04. Set the FTP root directory path
   05. Click the Generate button
   06. A summary will be displayed ≫ Click OK
   07. Click the ed button next to users.txt to view the generated users file
   08. Open File Explorer and navigate to C:Program Files (x86)FileZilla Server
   09. Edit FileZilla Server.xml in a text editor
   10. Copy the user(s) generated in users.txt to the Users node of FileZilla Server.xml
   11. Save the changes to FileZilla Server.xml
   12. Right click on the Start button ≫ Run ≫ type services.msc ≫ Press Enter
   13. Find the FileZilla Server FTP server and restart the service
   14. Load FileZilla Server Administration
   15. Click Edit ≫ Users from the top navigation
   16. The imported user(s) should be listed and editable
Testing LDAP Authentication
   01. Download FileZilla FTP client
   02. Extract the downloaded FileZilla .zip file
   03. Launch FileZilla.exe
   04. Enter the FileZilla server DNS name or IP address in the host field
   05. Enter the LDAP credentials in the username and password fields
   06. Click the Quickconnect button

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by i12bretro

linux ftp server

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