OPERATING SYSTEMSOS Linux Installing Python 3.6.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 & Linux Mint. January 5, 2024 Learn how to install python in Ubuntu. source ubuntu
This was the best video i found on this subject. thanks and congratulations for the simple way of explaining
But if I already have python 3.5 installed, will this method get rid of python 3.5 and install 3.6 or will I end up with both versions on my machine ?
This worked better for me https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-install-python-3-6-on-ubuntu-16-04/
thankuou so much sir
Thank u so much
This was the best video i found on this subject. thanks and congratulations for the simple way of explaining
My password can’t display
thanks for the great tutorial
Thanks bro
Thanks man…
Good job
for future versions just replace this version no with ur version no…. It will work… : )
ahah no me sirvio no me sale XD el phyton XD ahahahaha
what after this????????? there is no python icon anywhere
you use what software recoding screen
./configure => configure not found error sir. Please tell what to do
sudo make is not working
uff mano me salvaste la vida :v
But if I already have python 3.5 installed, will this method get rid of python 3.5 and install 3.6 or will I end up with both versions on my machine ?
thanks you sir, u did a great job
very help full sir
i want your SUBSCRIBER 100B and every video 100M views
God bless you sir
cd Downloads/Python-3.6.2/
sudo make
sudo make install
very good. thank you for your help.
nice man, you help 3 brazilians noob, ty.
This worked better for me https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-install-python-3-6-on-ubuntu-16-04/
i haven't got it. it is saying command not found after i changing the directory to python-3.6.2
Thanks a lot! I'm currently using Deepin Linux, and it worked perfectly.
how to use python idle? if even possible