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Installing ssh server (openssh) on Linux Mint – TheSmokinApe

Installing ssh server (openssh) on Linux Mint – TheSmokinApe

Just a quick video where I show how to install and manage openssh ssh server on my Linux Mint 18.2 laptop.

For more info on Openssh:

For more info on Linux Mint:

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by TheSmokinApe

linux http server

5 thoughts on “Installing ssh server (openssh) on Linux Mint – TheSmokinApe

  • Sorry please help. What password did you plug? your client side linux pwd? host side ssh pwd? client side ssh pwd? you didn't even use keygen so how come you even had a pwd?
    I've been at this for days I'm going crazy sorry if this sounds like a nuts question

  • Dang, a whole Ape Linux playlist. The algo is worthless, it should have recommended this video to me last year. I’ve got some catching up to do.

  • I'm probably jumping ahead, but, are you leading up to a big project? I mean, with the pi, the linux, etc….something cool in the works? I'm so new to this stuff….I got the raspberry pi, the little monitor and the software loaded (don't know what I'll do with it yet)…now I am struggling to find a timeshare between my hobbies!…lol

  • Almost 20 years ago I use to mess around with Linux. But this was way back when Red Hat was the go to Thanks for sharing brother.

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