Installing Wubuntu the linux that looks like windows 11

download link:https://sourceforge.net/projects/windows-ubuntu/files/windows11-theme/


by Only Windows

linux download

3 thoughts on “Installing Wubuntu the linux that looks like windows 11

  • It's fun to mess around with in a virtual machine. It's actually pretty cool overall. I've been messing with it for a few months off and on. I wouldn't mind donating the $35 but it isn't like Zorin, where it's a known entity. I have no clue who they are.
    — A Major problem, however, is that after the most recent update — it puts an un-closable window in the middle of the screen attempting to force you to pay the $35. On my system it held focus so no input could go into any other window behind it – any click on that window at all goes to paypal. Pretty idiotic actually. SO, I rolled it back and won't update again.

  • Abomination ! ahahah Jokes aside, I don't like these kind of projects for new Linux users, for experienced ones that like the Windows look maybe it makes sense, but for new ones it gives them the false impression that things will work the same as they are used to which will make the whole thing a lot more frustrating.

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