21 thoughts on “Interview Question: Tell me about Yourself🤔#shorts”
and in 2020 i nailed very hard in bed at night
@skillacademy If a person is preparing for any competition in mean time he appears for an interview for a job to earn money. Interviewer asks why should they select you. You will leave the job after your selection in the competition. What should be the reply ?
Song name
New friend 👌👌👌👌
If I was an interviewer and got somebody to tell me about themselves with this unnatural intonation I would immediately kick the interviewee out as it is definitely not honest, just talking like a robot.
she said that tell me yourself and what u told ? You have two pets.nice
Don't work in call centre and waste your time and money.
If you have Great knowledge and zero communication skills: then 0 job you can get
Inner me:- resume me dekh na 🙂
Missed opportunities are no fun right ! I'm giving away free linkedin Premiums for students and freshers looking to land their first job !
Copy cat of Diksha Arora
She's hot
I missed to play a background music like this when I gave my interview maybe that's why I didn't get through 😢
Everything seems so robotic Interviewer is not looking for a robot who can start an employee with a button. No matter what you say, he is not listening to your experience, hobbies, what you like etc. Interviewer only hires just for one thing, his/her intuition says yes or not, that's it. That's why most of the time only applicants from rich background gets hired who really don't need that job and those who are on the verge of dying of hunger never gets selected because they can't dress nicely, they don't have fancy degrees and they don't have extra curricular activities on their resume. They just need job for survival not for building career. I don't know why purpose of a job has became so weird 😅
A good rule of thumb is to answer challenging questions with a story about your pets, hobbies, sports teams, etc. It throws off the interviewer and keeps you in control. Best of luck in your future endeavors and you’re welcome.
omg, barely understand what she is saying
Super strong accent😢
Man your fucking eccent
No one will be stupid like you to answer like this 😠. I think you have lost your mind
If I answer this way, HR knows that I watched this video.
and in 2020 i nailed very hard in bed at night
@skillacademy If a person is preparing for any competition in mean time he appears for an interview for a job to earn money. Interviewer asks why should they select you. You will leave the job after your selection in the competition. What should be the reply ?
Song name
New friend 👌👌👌👌
If I was an interviewer and got somebody to tell me about themselves with this unnatural intonation I would immediately kick the interviewee out as it is definitely not honest, just talking like a robot.
she said that tell me yourself and what u told ? You have two pets.nice
Don't work in call centre and waste your time and money.
If you have Great knowledge and zero communication skills: then 0 job you can get
Inner me:- resume me dekh na 🙂
Missed opportunities are no fun right !
I'm giving away free linkedin Premiums for students and freshers looking to land their first job !
Copy cat of Diksha Arora
She's hot
I missed to play a background music like this when I gave my interview maybe that's why I didn't get through 😢
Everything seems so robotic
Interviewer is not looking for a robot who can start an employee with a button. No matter what you say, he is not listening to your experience, hobbies, what you like etc.
Interviewer only hires just for one thing, his/her intuition says yes or not, that's it. That's why most of the time only applicants from rich background gets hired who really don't need that job and those who are on the verge of dying of hunger never gets selected because they can't dress nicely, they don't have fancy degrees and they don't have extra curricular activities on their resume. They just need job for survival not for building career. I don't know why purpose of a job has became so weird 😅
A good rule of thumb is to answer challenging questions with a story about your pets, hobbies, sports teams, etc. It throws off the interviewer and keeps you in control. Best of luck in your future endeavors and you’re welcome.
omg, barely understand what she is saying
Super strong accent😢
Man your fucking eccent
No one will be stupid like you to answer like this 😠. I think you have lost your mind
If I answer this way, HR knows that I watched this video.