8 thoughts on “Intro & main menu

  • Do you also provide a video introducing yourself, including your philosophy, experience, background etc ?

  • Hallo Hans, ik volg enige tijd je video's. Ik zou willen weten of je de Lumin D2 gaat reviewen of beter misschien of er een reden is om het nog niet gereviewed te hebben. Ik wist niet goed waar deze vraag te stellen anders dan via dit kanaal.

  • Good thanks. It is good to know that a system is in place. An interesting topic for you to considder covering is the new Innuos web interface. I suite like it. And my wife doesn't hate it, so it must be good. It's much less annoying than the hateful LMS.

  • I have seen many of your videos and I find them instructive, responsible and very interesting. Congratulations!

  • Thanks Hans. Despite being a vinyl fan I find your videos enlightening and your humour resonates with mine. Plus I have a lot of music on digital that I collected during my wilderness phase from the late 80s to the early noughties and maybe one day I will have the money to buy digital equipment that will equal my analogue. Your reviews will be my guide. Keep up the good work from sunny Australia.

  • Congratulations Hans, you have been the only one who has your channel ordered and with separate consultation topics. I have seen almost all of them, but when I need some topics I go back to look for them and see them again.

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