Introduction to Linux, Open Source Development & GIT Training (LFD301)

Open Source Dev and Engfineering colleagues, in this comprehensive Linux Foundation training and certification program (LFD301) you will gain invaluable and high-demand skills in the global Linux, Open Source and GIT sector. Understand the history of Linux and what differentiates it from other UNIX-like operating systems, what the main ingredients of a Linux system are and how to use them, Essentials of system administration, such as user accounts and groups, essential commands, file systems, security, Networking and threading models, Aspects of compiling and using libraries, and Working with Java under Linux. This program includes 42 training modules including yet not limited to: 1) How to Work in OSS Projects, 2) OSS Licensing and Legal Issues, 3) Filesystem Layout, Partitions, Paths and Links, 4) Java Installation and Environment, 5) Building RPM and Debian Packages, 6) Git Installation and Revision Control Systems, 7) Managing Local and Remote Repositories, 8) Advanced Git Interfaces: Gerrit, and much more.

Register today at https://tinyurl.com/yynbt7dh

Career success awaits you, Lawrence Wilson – Online Learning Central


by Online Learning Central

linux foundation

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