Computer NetworksNETWORKS

IoT meets IPv6: The Perfect Storm? – Kristian Bognæs

Mirai was for many a wakeup call on what not to do with IoT security. Using default creds, this malware spread itself on thousands of webcams and home routers and became one of the most disruptive DDOS tools in 2016.
Now 3 years on, are we facing a new Mirai with the steady introduction of IPv6 and the number of private devices going online in this space increasing a massive rate? What do we need to consider as developers designing and developing applications for these IoT platforms?
Join Kristian as he walks you through how IPv6 will affect your security, and what you need to start doing to protect your code and create safer systems.

Check out more of our talks in the following links!

NDC Conferences




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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