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ip address 7 26 72 57 and 6 17 127 205 Military cyber abuse once found they took off: Apr 18, 2021 4

Study on Aggression and Cyber Military Bullies

Excerpt from link below:

This study brought insight into “who” is bullying online, which can be assumed is the standard bully who transitions into an online environment and displays the same actions (Wright & Li, 2013)

This study was one of the first of its kind by looking at the two aggressions and finding similarities. This study is relevant to the author’s proposal because almost the entire workforce utilizes the internet on a day to day basis with at least 1/5 being the aggressor. Due to the military being around 1% of the population it can be assumed that the odds will be high that military aggressors and victims are present.


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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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