Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

10 thoughts on “IP address Vs MAC address explained

  • This was a great explanation and a good first video! Make more please!!

  • This is a circular reasoning explanation.
    The ip address is used to locate a specific device within a network. (at this point why would another identifier be necessary?) Then the mac address is used to identify the specific device to deliver the information. This is circular.

    What is the specific purpose of the mac address in data delivery when all you need to identify the destination of the data is the IP?

  • At time 2:22 you mention MAC needs to change from hop to hop. I am not clear why. What would happen if there was no MAC address at all? Say, hostA sends the packet for hostB in the different network. If gateway or router does not know how to route to this IP, it sends it up to the upper level, until at some point the router knows where to send this packet. In the end, ARP protocol is basically based on IP is requesting for MAC address. The question is if the ARP packet was able to get to the host based on IP, why would hostA not send the data packet based on the same IP?

  • Wonderful video, it is so clear and helpful. can u clarify this doubt for me, if Apple phones could call to apple phones only, no one would probably buy apple phone, so how apple phones to android phones, the calls get connected can u explain with respect to OSI model please?

  • Wow you just opened my eyes. You just cleared all my doubts.

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