Computer NetworksNETWORKS

IP Named Access Control Lists: Lab 3

IP Named Access Control Lists
Access control lists (ACLs) perform packet filtering to control the flow of packets through a network. Packet filtering can restrict the access of users and devices to a network, providing a measure of security. Access lists can save network resources by reducing traffic. The benefits of using access lists are as follows:
Authenticate incoming rsh and rcp requests—Access lists can simplify the identification of local users, remote hosts, and remote users in an authentication database that is configured to control access to a device. The authentication database enables Cisco software to receive incoming remote shell (rsh) and remote copy (rcp) protocol requests.
Block unwanted traffic or users—Access lists can filter incoming or outgoing packets on an interface, thereby controlling access to a network based on source addresses, destination addresses, or user authentication. You can also use access lists to determine the types of traffic that are forwarded or blocked at device interfaces. For example, you can use access lists to permit e-mail traffic to be routed through a network and to block all Telnet traffic from entering the network.
Control access to vty—Access lists on an inbound vty (Telnet) can control who can access the lines to a device. Access lists on an outbound vty can control the destinations that the lines from a device can reach.
Identify or classify traffic for QoS features—Access lists provide congestion avoidance by setting the IP precedence for Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) and committed access rate (CAR). Access lists also provide congestion management for class-based weighted fair queueing (CBWFQ), priority queueing, and custom queueing.
Limit debug command output—Access lists can limit debug output based on an IP address or a protocol.
Provide bandwidth control—Access lists on a slow link can prevent excess traffic on a network.
Provide NAT control—Access lists can control which addresses are translated by Network Address Translation (NAT).
Reduce the chance of DoS attacks—Access lists reduce the chance of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Specify IP source addresses to control traffic from hosts, networks, or users from accessing your network. Configure the TCP Intercept feature to can prevent servers from being flooded with requests for connection.
Restrict the content of routing updates—Access lists can control routing updates that are sent, received, or redistributed in networks.
Trigger dial-on-demand calls—Access lists can enforce dial and disconnect criteria.


cisco academie

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