iPhone 13 mini 4G/LTE vs 5G speed test on Vodafone UK network
This is an internet speed test to compare iPhone 13 mini’s internet speed on Vodafone UK’s 4G/LTE and 5G network.
Music Copyrights:
For Mimi by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
4g lte
true compare
Now, no more 5g.. Fake 5G only for marketing.. it's still 4g
In India scenario is different,
4G – 50Mbps Max
5G – 1Gbps+ 😂
Let me piss okayh?
How do you get that speed on 4G?
Those are pretty good speed. You can stream 4k even with the 4G connection though I must say I do expect the 5G to be above 500mbps at least.
Vodafone suck in india
4G vodafone =5G viettnam 🙄
But this is not DSS or? 🤔
Thanks – very good example of how 4G isn't really the issue, poor site capacity is. Most sites that Vodafone has upgraded to 5G also have very high capacity 4G configurations. Whereas 4G is slow on b20 single channel sites with limited backhaul – the same sites that haven't got 5G yet. Therefore, 5G itself, while definitely something, is _just another carrier_, albeit one that's pretty wide, a bit more spectrally-efficient, and often deployed with massive MIMO.
(Even that's referring to n78 5G – clearly what you're testing from these speeds, not to n1 DSS, which offers very little at all)