iPhones Are Undeleting Nudes?? – WAN Show May 17, 2024

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Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):
0:00 Chapters
0:39 Intro
1:30 Topic #1 – iOS 175 bug recovers deleted photos
2:30 This isn’t limited to Apple, Backblaze, cloud backup
4:02 Are these photos synced? Linus & Luke on encryption
9:33 Linus on NAND flash, Luke on deleting files, Vision Pro
13:02 Luke on whether this is a one-off, CEO’s all-chrome PC build
16:31 Topic #2 – Microsoft’s Prodeus, a modular controller
17:16 3D printable joystick parts, childish Luke & Dan
19:24 Luke on the controller’s potential
22:06 LTTStore’s new dip dye hoodie
25:26 Topic #3 – “Personalizable AI” for simulated dates through bots
27:18 How would this impact future dates? ft. “Settling down”
28:34 Linus on Tinder, Luke on dating apps, school connections
32:48 Yvonne joins, if Linus is gone, how would she meet people?
33:58 What would Linus do if Yvonne’s gone?
35:02 What would Luke do? Luke on how to know it’s the right one
36:22 Luke on not sitting next to a girl on a bus, finding people
38:25 Dating friends of friends, Luke on planning, E&A service
41:46 Linus’s sister analogy on dating when in your 30’s
43:17 Meeting someone through what you do, looking at the gym
45:36 Yvonne on whether girls looking would bother men
46:10 Dating at work, Yvonne’s & Linus’s relationship
50:42 Sponsor – Squarespace
51:36 Sponsor – Ahrefs
52:25 Sponsor – Magical
53:42 Merch Messages #1
53:48 Why’d LTT go for Shopify over WooCommerce?
55:02 What you’d change or features you’d add to an LTTStore product?
56:00 Is this MIPS assembly a useful code language?
57:05 Topic #4 – Microsoft to add Game Pass ad to Windows 11
58:31 FP user gets images of ex after update, bug’s implications
1:02:25 Topic #5 – Google’s Gemini search engine, search tab is hidden
1:03:31 Gemini AI updates, Project Astra, Linus will wait
1:04:31 Google writes $Ms to government for no jury
1:06:38 Topic #6 – Wayfinder changes genre, negative reviews ensue
1:07:57 $150 pack, shift “gaurantee’s game is around forever”
1:09:01 Cyberpunk hits 95% positive reviews, Linus on praises
1:13:04 Luke on how Wayfinder’s move is good, discusses Ubisoft
1:14:40 Topic #7 – NYPD tests Evolv’s AI gun scanners in a subway
1:16:36 Topic #8 – ASUS apologizes over “confusion” with RMA quotes
1:19:08 Linus on ASUS’s customer service, recalls conversations
1:22:02 Luke on riding the false bans train during ban waves
1:24:01 Topic #9 – Marvel Rivals apols after banning content creators
1:24:58 Luke on the contract being a mistake
1:27:12 Merch Messages #2 ft. WAN Show After Dark is automated
1:27:31 AMD’s Strix Point APU leaks ft. Accidental outro, “I’m a computer!”
1:29:17 How do you feel about no-crew flights?
1:30:38 Would Shield 2 happen now that Switch 2 is announced?
1:31:08 Any FOSS projects Luke wants to draw attention towards?
1:33:19 What do you tell your barber?
1:34:26 Company is bought, how would you deal with this change?
1:36:06 Arrival fallacy, how does Linus feel after his success?
1:40:06 Suggestions to get tech dad to watch tech shows together?
1:41:08 Thoughts on CRA coming after tenants not paying foreign taxes?
1:43:11 Outro


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36 thoughts on “iPhones Are Undeleting Nudes?? – WAN Show May 17, 2024

  • If iCloud is not end-to-end encrypting user files properly (and I mean the actual data here, not transfer to their servers which is very likely covered by TLS anyway), this is a huge privacy issue! I mean that implies Apple has full access to all of your files from their servers, right? This was already expected for iOS users in China but if this incident happened to someone from US, I assume all iOS users (who are not using additional local encryption) get harmed by this.

    Also from my understanding iOS syncs all of your photos to iCloud as default and only stores lower resolution variants of these photos on your local device. So I don't think only paying iCloud users are harmed either.

  • Just got this update on my phone: “This update provides important bug fixes and addresses a rare issue where photos that experienced database corruption could reappear in the Photos library even if they were deleted.”

  • Agree with you, Linus when it comes to OS adds. Complete disgusting. Glad I'm still running Win10. lol


  • Britta filters for water bottles lids pleaaaaase

  • If ever online, it never really gets deleted. Now you know. 🙂

  • 37:38 … Hey Linus, this advice is really great and this wasn't particularly the reason I started watching this episode, but I think locking up the option with (my) her is a little bit late for a guy like me in his late 20s (to be precise 27) but I do understand and hopefully what my future is at least half as good as you.

  • All my iphone space is full of kid pictures. Same for wife. It affects performance.

    Trying to come up with best way tool to sync and keep track of Live photos that's not MacOS Photos.

  • That gun scanner sounds like they are trying to put into place a system. And of course once they get the gun scanner in place that could be a backbone for other detection potentially added later such as for scanning people and their gait and eventually to identify hostiles by their facial expressions, gait and what not. They don't care how well the scanner detects guns.

  • The unfortunate part about online dating is if your just a normal average dude like me then your almost completely out of luck getting promising matches. I’m 27 and hate pictures of myself so it makes it hard to even find good pictures to add to my profile.

  • 1:02:20 : Google's results have been re-ranked with BERT since at least 2019 and predecessor models since way before then.

  • No. You can sorta of compliment their efforts & not compliment their efforts when it come to the game.

    If you sell a house claiming it’s finished but the buyers show up and the foundation was just recently poured, you’re going to be an upset customer. “You said it was done and you sold me something you didn’t have ready.” So while it is more positive they aren’t being jerks and leaving you an unfinished house, if it isn’t even a functioning house to begin with, did they really sell you what you paid for? It’s great they are still hammering away in the background though but speaking as the role of the customer they should have just waited until most of that was wrapped up, right?

    We used to get games with a few bugs or glitches and a mostly finished mostly working game, because they couldn’t just “patch it later” once you had your hard copy that was the history of that game, oddities and unique features and its all. That’s why some games are more memorable today, because of some of the bugs that can be exploited. Imagine if super smash melee didn’t have wavedashing or if TF2 “A wavedash is a technique/physics engine exploit in Super Smash Bros. Melee “ Or if rocket jumping didn’t happen in quake it wouldn’t have been a feature in TF2. I’m sure there are many more examples of bugz later becoming features but if they are patched out, you could lose some potential character and longevity to the game. At the same time, if it’s unplayable you mucked up.

    The purpose is not being angry all the time, the purpose is to make sure that people don’t think they can just get away with it. That a new lower bar isn’t set. I think you have lost some marbles if you believe that encouraging and being smiley with the super glitched up messes of Bethesda wouldn’t get other companies to think “oh they don’t really care how clean our product is, they’ll still pay $70 for a barely playable unfinished game. So let’s sell them that.”

    “Think of it like a sports team” oh so your telling me the people making the decisions like project managers, CEO’s, etc. don’t stay longer than 5-10 years at their company? Our problem isn’t with the people on the bus, it’s the bus driver. You can have some of the best actors in the world, but if the script and director still suck, you missing out on loads of potential.
    “But the actors did a great job” yeah, that’s why they aren’t the problem. You support who does well, and if a game does well you support it. You don’t just say wow that murderer never had blood on their hands, you are happy they turned their life around but you remember where they came from and what they started.

    You forgive, you don’t forget.

    And again, who says it’s just harboring anger. If a teacher says “guys, you need to be practicing the homework I give you” are we saying the teacher is upset or angry for clarifying and restating over and over again that in order for her students to succeed they need to do the homework? She may be, but she may also be: disappointed, discouraged, apathetic, annoyed, confused, and possibly many other emotions as to what is playing out before him or her.

    In regards to the turn around, most people would appreciate having something to hold on to rather than spending money and having nothing to show for it.

    If I spent $150 then the game goes belly up a week later and I’m told “sorry, you played the game for more than 24 hours, we can’t refund you” that would be viewed as a rip off. Where as if you bought the game that can be played fully while unconnected to the internet, at least you’ll still have most of the return on your investment. You can buy a movie on dvd for $30 or you can take your spouse to see a movie for $30. If the movie sucked, you can sell it and recoup some of your loses if it is a physical copy. If it’s just the ticket, not only do you feel like you wasted all of your time, you also wasted all $30.

    Having the ability to negate some of your loses is a greater asset to your game than you would think.
    It provides some options and means to the purchaser, because you don’t get completely stuck with a bad deal. Even the dreaded ET videogame for all its reputation as being sucky, can now get people a hefty profit and even be a mark of respect for having such a notoriously bad game. So even then, you still have some form of investment on it. Meanwhile, if a game is forced to be updated, I would argue it loses some of it’s original value if the ET game got patched often would it even be as valuable or notorious as it is today? I logically doubt so. There would still be some feedback on it, but not nearly the wave it currently has.

    I should have expected that the racist Canadians would YeeHaw, their elected leader did Black Face after all.

  • 1:25:16 people still shouldn't be signing contracts without reading them, tho weather it was a miscommunication or mistake

  • 43:52: "WoW wedding" – current average age is in the 30s and back in my day (late '00 and early 10') is was considered as better alternative to online dating sites due to both higher female user ratio (yuuup) and higher long-term (>6m) success ratio after meetings.

  • Welp kids – look at Linus. This is a face of a man who knows he screwed up and screwed up royally.

  • Maybe very British of me, but a great way to meet people is queueing

  • If situation is same, iCloud backup (old stuff servers) were on Microsoft’s Azure servers (see The Fappening event) 6:42

  • Great to see Yvonne, she is much funnier and charming when she's unscripted. On the LTT videos the wroters/editors/Linus lean into the "sensible wife angry at zany husband" trope and she is less likeable. Great guest 🙂

  • i thought fully reset and erased would over write data over 7 times. like a full format
    but this could be damaging to certain peeps who may work in gov or public service like police or social workers.

    so ye when u erase a device it should get over written up to Military Spec like u can do to a SSD
    on windows or mac.

  • I see that this is the YouTube short version of the wan show

  • Just celebrated 20 years with someone I met at work. <3

    Assuming you work full time, you spend more of your conscious hours at work than anywhere else, among people who are in your social class, who have similar levels of skill, and share common experiences with you. Is there any better place to meet someone you might be compatible with?

    I'm with Scott Galloway on this one: 100% for it, you just need to make good decisions. Not within your chain of command. Be open about it as soon as it is official. Consider consequences. Be respectful of each other, and have an authentic conversation about what happens if it doesn't work out. If you can handle that, then go go go!

  • @Noki1119 got it easy this week. Linux probably only giving him 2 weeks of FloatPlane this month 😂

  • Addressing the whole relationship thing and in the workplace. It’s highly dependent on workplace. I work in a warehouse and know tons of people who NEVER interact who are dating. They’ve been together for years at this point. I married an old co worker of mine and she was my boss at one point. We currently work together now. It can work, just don’t be an idiot

  • i meet a lot of people in like the smoking erea of events like dont smoke but if u wanna meet people go to the smoking ereas

  • Yvonne being on this weeks episode was fantastic. Nice to hear her input on things.

  • Hey… I’m an American from Alabama and resemble your remarks and the 2nd amendment

  • The trick to dating in your thirties is realizing that you too, are second-hand, heavily used, slightly broken dating material.
    Past physical injuries, illnesses, psychological challenges (if not illnesses). They all leave a mark.
    Time gets to us all. You were not spared.
    But that's ok. That makes our lives more interesting to tell.

  • I saw the length of this show and waited until my Friday to watch last week's episode and then combine it's length with this week's. WAN show is canonically 4+ hours in length & I will not hear otherwise lol

  • i can't even take a nap with WAN show 🙁

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